A weekend trip to our friends
Date: 5/17/2024, Categories: True Story Author: Reed Van Kleve
Trip to our friends for a long weekend A few years ago my wife (Rose) and I went across the state to see some friends for a long weekend,(Rick and Lorie) we hadn't seen for a few months. We were good friends hung out together quite often and we always had drinks. Lorie always flirted when she was drinking and I liked the attention. I think Rose was always a little intimidated by Lories big tits, because Rose's were of average size. But Lorie seemed to always be shoving them into my face, sometimes I would even playfully grab them. She never minded at all. When we arrived Rick and Lorie met us at the door. And like always Lorie hugged me and pressed her big tits into me not anything out of the norm. Rick hugged Rose again not unusual. We took our bags inside they showed us to the bedroom that we would be in for the long weekend, it had a bathroom between that bedroom and the one on the other side. We didn't really unpack, just opened our bags and got out what we needed when we needed. Rick and Rose were both in the medical field. So Rick was going to show Rose his ultrasound area of a very small radiology department. Which he was the manager of two other radiology technologists. When I voiced that I would like to go also Rick was quick to say no, I later found out why. And that I was to go with Lorie to the liquor store to get the drinks for the weekend. On the way to the liquor store Lorie kept talking about how she missed seeing us especially me. She Talked ...
... about the times that I had grabbed her tits, and did I like the way they felt. I said I did, that they felt much larger than Rose's tits. She then suggested that she might let me handle them this weekend, or would I like to now. I said no, it wouldn't be appropriate to do so now. When we are drinking it just seems like harmless fun. Ok she said but maybe I might grab you this weekend. We laughed like it was just a thought. We bought the beer and liquor and returned back to the. Rose and Rick had not returned yet. It was a short trip to the hospital, and it was almost 2 to 3 hours before they returned. When they returned Rose said she enjoyed the tour and she had met a good friend of Ricks and sorry they had taken so long, but seemed very eager to excuse the reason that it took so long. As for Rick and Rose later I found out the real reason that they took so long. Who his friend was. And why Rick had a very happy smile on his face. Rose was walking stiff legged, as if her legs hurt. It wasn't her legs that hurt. When they reached the hospital and went to the radiology department, they were alone as it was a weekend. Rick was showing Rose around the area. The ultrasound area was in the back of the department very isolated and very quiet. They went into the room and Rick slid the sign to "in use" and closed the door behind them. It got very dark with only the light from the monitor on the opposite side of the ultrasound cart. The cart was already made with a fresh sheet ...