Playing Twister with mom, sister, and aunt
Date: 5/15/2024,
Male / Older Female,
Water Sports/Pissing,
Author: Alex Mead
Laura glanced in the rearview mirror and caught the eye of her son Jason he had grown over the semester. It seemed to Laura, looking more like a handsome man than the young son she had remembered.
Beside her in the front seat sat, Laura’s daughter Mary Mary was 27 four years older than her brother Jahson she was still finishing college, despite it taking a few extra years
Where as Jason was cute bashful and kind Mary had more of a wild streak. She was beautiful.Where as Jahson was cute bashful and kind, Mary had more of a wild streak. She was beautiful, dark hair and dark eyes but her features often took on a bratty, and sometimes cruel tone when she would boss her younger brother around.
The three of them were together again at last, after a long spring semester away at college. Laura had.The three of them were together again at last after a long spring semester away at college. Laura had gotten them together in the car, despite a brief incident in the morning when Mary checked and banging on the bathroom and bitched her brother out for going into the bathroom before her.
LauraLaura settled the argument with her very calm but straight forward commitment to the schedule
She was a beautiful woman who had aged well into middle age all throughout high school Mary and Jahson’s classmates would joke and teaseShe was a beautiful woman who had aged well into middle age all throughout high school Mary and Jahson’s classmates would joke and tease about their mothers ...
... luxe and her official milf status
Laura still, and always had turned heads everywhere she went. She was a mix of the beauty and face of Sidney Crawford, with the. For fat, but and onion hide a bowl, large jugs of a woman like Pamela Anderson.
She had four lips in a perpetual pout, naturally a dark, lusty pigment of dusky pink. And, although all of her features exuded a calculated seduction, that was simply her appearance.
So, as her ex husband, and any man quickly realized after getting to know her, her demeanor was at such odds, with her out word, almost slutty, luxe. Because in fact, Laura was almost prudish. Just simply a woman who could not think outside of rules and concepts how things needed to be done properly.
She wasn't exactly closed minded, or ever angry. Her "strictness" was simply her inability to see things any other way once she got hold of the idea. Her exhusband couldn't take it, neither could any dates she met. As for her children-- they had to deal with her stubborness in a whole bunch of ways growing up, and now.
Things like Frozen pizzas she'd cook for exactly the minutes given on the box-- regardless if they emerged blackend, or half frozen. Rated R movies were never allowed until old enough. And when Laura once found the livingroom computer had an open pornography tab on it, and pages and pages of various porn sites on the history page. Mary and Jayson couldn't tell if she was more upset about the porn, or that they weren't 18 and had opened ...