My Love Affair with My Mum Pt. 03
Date: 5/13/2024,
Author: bywestjayne495
... when you've had too much you act naturally so what she did, she really meant. So why the fuck did she stop? And, of course, she had a rational explanation. But then parents always have those and I didn't believe a fucking word of what she said. I was now convinced that she was well up for it and it was only a matter of time before I'd be burying my cock deep into my mum's cunt. And boy did I look forward to that.
But then, on the other hand, she'd had every opportunity this afternoon to do it. We were alone, Emily wasn't due home for hours, we were both in our swim gear, we'd loosened up with the wine at lunch and she'd broken the ice of sex between us. And, of course amazingly, wonderfully and so fucking awesomely we'd kissed and I was about to pull her bra down and get my hand into her knickers when she pulled the fucking shutters down and pushed me away.
Naturally, I sulked for the rest of the afternoon and evening and pretty much stayed in my room looking at porn on my laptop imagining what might have been. The next morning mum and Emily were off somewhere shopping and I went to the gym. In the afternoon, seeing her laid out on a sun bed wearing the tiniest little fucking bikini as though she were just waiting for me to climb on top of her, was a fucking nightmare. Well, it was lovely looking at her but it made me want her so much that I was hard most of the time. That is until I sculked off to my room a couple of times and pulled one off although nowadays that ...
... didn't keep me soft for long. Nobody fully warns you of the difficulties of being a male teenager, do they?
We stayed in for dinner and Emily, whose house in Marbella we were staying at, came home and joined us for the pasta mum had cooked. I spruced myself up, had a shower, sprayed myself with cologne thinking that might act as some form of aphrodisiac to mum or, failing that Emily, who I also quite fancied and put on a pair of new, white shorts and a blue tee.
Dinner was a wonderful hell. Wonderful, as Emily flirted playfully with me and hell because mum's tits seemed to be almost falling out of her low-cut top and were leering temptingly at me all evening. Mum and I didn't say much to each other but several times our bare knees touched under the table, just as they had that time in my bedroom at home about a year ago when I began to seriously think we might have sex one day. As we were drinking our strong espressos, they touched again and I didn't move mine away assuming she would as she had before. But she didn't and we sat there having knee sex as I thought of it. I put my bare foot on her ankle and rubbed my toe on it and again she didn't move away. I thought, and of course hoped, that the few times mum arched her back and pushed her lovely tits forward that she was sending a sort of invitation to me. A couple of times I nearly accepted it as I found myself almost reaching out and grabbing them. But, of course, having been brought up properly, I didn't and instead ...