1. The Fowler and His Net - Chapter 8

    Date: 5/13/2024, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Bondage and restriction Coercion Female Domination, Humiliation Male / Female Teens, Male / Older Female, Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: East Essex, Source: sexstories.com

    ... has been teaching me for the last eighteen years. According to Daddy it’s all temporary anyway, they will soon disappear and we will be left with the upper class and the oiks again, just like it should be.’
    ‘Well, ' Rachel sounded resigned, ‘I suppose it’s all too complicated for me to understand. You are probably right because you are so clever Debby.’
    The twosome was interrupted by Mrs. Barton who immediately notified them of some new arrivals. ‘The girls are here, have you fed Mr. Fowler yet?’
    ‘He is still asleep Aunt Samantha.’
    ‘Still!’ Samantha declared, ' 'I knew the Colonel used too much of that chemical, well I suppose we had better wake him. Get the equipment darling.’
    Gary thought at this moment it was best to make his consciousness known to everyone. He groaned loudly. ‘Urgh!’
    ‘My goodness it lives.’ Said a surprised Deborah.
    Gary’s hands and ankles were held tightly by a quartet of soft restraints chained to what looked like a rather complicated exercise bench. ‘What the bloody hell is going on?’ he angrily demanded.
    ‘What does it look like Mr. Fowler? You are in the basement of my house and you are being confined against your will.’ This was an accurate portrayal of circumstances with which Gary could not argue.
    ‘Why,' Gary pleaded, ‘what the bloody hell have I done?’
    ‘Shall we tell him girls?’ Samantha asked Rachel and Deborah.
    ‘I think we should,' replied Rachel, ‘because he so lovely and handsome.’
    ‘Good grief Rachel you ...
    ... are so soft,' replied Deborah, ‘I think we should let him find out for himself, slowly, if he can of course, which I doubt.’
    ‘I am inclined to agree. It will make everything just more delicious,’ replied Samantha, ‘and I am sure the girls upstairs will want to reveal it all.’
    ‘Bloody hell,' replied Gary, ‘you fucking cows! You fucking stupid bitches!’
    ‘My goodness, ' Deborah tittered, ‘what an outburst!’
    ‘Mr. Fowler!’ Mrs. Barton instructed. ‘Please refrain from such profanity. You know full well what might happen to you if you misbehave.’
    ‘Mummy, are you going to squeeze Mr. Fowler’s testicles really hard again?’
    ‘Possibly darling, but we have him in a compromised position, so we can do what we like with him really, and the opportunities are endless.’
    ‘Help! Help!’ screamed Gary. ‘Jesus Christ! Help!’
    ‘I think you should stop Mr. Fowler.’ Said Samantha, calmly.
    ‘Down here! Please. Help.’
    ‘Mr. Fowler, this is very regrettable. The cellar is very old and the stone is thick.’
    ‘Please, help. Help!’
    ‘God, this is so pathetic!’ Deborah added, ‘Maybe we should tighten him up a little.’
    ‘Yes, I don’t want to gag him yet, there will be plenty of that to come. Rachel, darling, can you wind the blue handle there?’
    There was a cold ratcheting sound out of Gary’s line of sight as Rachel wound the crank on the wall. His arms drifted wider as the chains tightened with a grey tinkle. ‘You must know that the nearest house is half a mile away. Your ...