Winnie Losing our Virginity
Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: True Story Author: Steweird
... were not in love; rather we used each other, Winnie wanted a boyfriend with money and a car, I wanted her body. Ironically, we started drifting further apart shortly after we started fucking. As Winnie turned 19, I realized the glimmer of potential she occasionally showed was never going to bloom. I gave up waiting for Winnie to become a mature intelligent female; she remained selfish and irresponsible, interested in things a 16-year-old might think was neat. She dragged me to “Smokie and the Bandit, Part III” and thought it was a great flick. She was undependable, selfish, thoughtless, self-indulgent. I lost respect for her. Totally. But instead of dropping her and finding a girlfriend who would give me friendship and affection I stuck with her, lacking the self-confidence to find a better lover. There were a thousand girls in Halifax who would have fucked me more and better but I timidly stayed with Winnie. I went out with her just in hopes of the occasional romp in the sack I was getting. My ‘lovemaking’ was enthusiastic but lacked technique. At first, I showed her affection during the act, but it wasn’t returned and feelings of hurt and rejection changed into anger. Eventually, I screwed her very selfishly. Sex with Winnie became an affirmation of my manhood as much as it was attainment of my sexual satisfaction. Towards the end of our relationship she really started pissing me off with the many times she didn’t wanna fuck and I began forcing her. I ...
... could respect a girl wanting to keep her cherry but once it’s gone I figured she should be putting out for her boyfriend regular-like. Her body was mine! Receiving no affection, my sexual urges were redirected into frustration. Her parents were always out when I picked Winnie up at their apartment. I wanted to fuck her before we went anywhere, she didn’t wanna fuck at all. I would either drag her into the bedroom for a quickie or pull her down right on the living room floor. I remember how her nipples were so hard as I wrestled her down and stripped her. Sure, Winnie resisted my unilateral advances and struggled against me as I pinned her and undid her buttons but she never complained after her few initial protests. In Winnie’s world you did what you felt like doing, took what you wanted. There were no moral standards of conduct, no obligations to respect anyone’s feelings. She truly never felt what I was doing should result in consequences, nor more than when she didn’t hand in an important school assignment, didn’t pay back the $50 I lent her or didn’t show up for work at the ice cream parlour three days in a row. I used my weight to keep her down. I folded my hands over the top of her head to hold her still and to achieve a more forceful thrust as I positioned myself for the fucking. My elbows would be resting on the floor while simultaneously immobilizing her arms against her ribs. I intertwined my fingers in an unbreakable grip around her skull such that, ...