Brother and Big Sister have Sex
Date: 5/8/2024,
Author: byFlannaFionaFlaherty
... Seeing all that we shouldn't see of one another allowed me to maintain my erection.
As soon as I unscrewed the light fixture and held it in my hand, I took a big breath and started to step down the ladder. As soon as I inhaled, my towel slowly slid from my body to my feet, and to the floor. Once again, I was naked in front of my sister. With her standing across from me, hoping that she'd reach out and stroke me, she had the perfect view of my naked prick.
"Oh, my God, Brian, you're naked," she said laughing. "I can't believe that I'm seeing my baby brother's prick again," she said, staring at my erect cock while laughing. "You have such a big cock," she said with a dirty laugh.
She continued staring at my naked prick in the way that I continued staring down her nightgown at her naked breasts and erect nipples.
"Do you have an erection," she said, reaching out to touch my cock with her manicured, index finger? "Are you as sexually excited as I'm sexually aroused," she asked with another dirty laugh? "Unembarrassed to confess this to you but I love your big dick," she said with a dirty laugh.
Taking my time to do so, giving my sister a good, long look of my naked prick, I slowly climbed down the ladder.
"Well, that was embarrassing. Thanks for helping me with my towel," I said while holding my hand in front of my naked prick.
She laughed.
"I couldn't do both. I was holding the ladder so that you didn't fall. Besides," she said with a laugh, "I enjoyed ...
... the show."
My sister stared at me with sexual arousal.
"Not my first time seeing your naked prick, still, I couldn't help from staring. Sorry, but I've been horny lately," she said. "You have a big cock, Brian, much bigger than my ex-husband's puny prick," said my sister.
While wrapping my towel around my waist, I looked down at my naked prick before looking up at my sister.
"Thank you," I said.
I put the light fixture on the ladder and wrapped my towel around me. Then, I climbed the ladder, screwed in the bulb, and replaced the light fixture.
The next day, hoping she'd return my flashing favor with her flashing favor, something that I started doing, I stood in the bathroom doorway while she brushed her hair and applied her makeup. Only, today, when she raised her arms over her head to brush her hair, her towel slowly slid down to her waist. I stared at my sister's naked breasts as if I had never seen naked breasts before. In the way that I had deliberately flashed her while making my flashing appear accidental, I wondered if she had deliberately flashed me while making her flashing appear unintentional.
"Brian. Oh, my God. Avert your eyes. You're staring at my tits," she said while wrapping her towel around her again. "Stop staring at my breasts."
I laughed.
"I've seen your naked tits plenty of times before," I said.
I laughed again.
"Sorry," I said. "In the way that you stared at my naked prick yesterday, I couldn't help myself from ...