1. Quarantined with Kell, Part IV

    Date: 5/7/2024, Categories: Diary , Incest Male / Females Author: JackDRipper

    Monday morning. Kell and I had been up way too late having webcam sex with Bridget for me to be at the computer working this early. Kell was still in bed as I dug out a work shirt and sat down in front of the laptop, coffee in hand. There was enough work and meetings that the morning went smoothly. When Kell wandered out around noon in her standard home outfit of bra and nothing else, we talked about the webcam and meetings and she promised not wander behind me while I was working unless fully dressed.
    The rest of Monday went by in a blur. Kell made dinner, we ate, played a game, fucked, slept. Tuesday was pretty much the same except I cooked and we watched a movie. Wednesday we included a cybering session with Bridget. She seemed pretty much herself, though she did mention Ethan hadn’t been around and was evasive when she called.
    Thursday early afternoon I got a call from my mother.
    “Hi mom!” I answered.
    “Hi Jacob,” she said. “How’s everything over at Kell’s?”
    “It’s going well. The remote work situation is working out okay. Kell’s doing lots of painting while we’re cooped up here. It’s all good.”
    “Good,” she said. “I thought you would do well at her place. Have you talked to your sister?”
    I tiny shiver ran down my back along with a moment of panic that she might have found out about our illicit webcam sessions. I gulped.
    “I talked to her last night, she seemed a little put out by Ethan’s behavior, but overall she was pretty much herself.”
    “Well, ...
    ... she’s not doing well anymore,” my Mom said.
    “Why? What happened?”
    “Ethan just called her and told her he was breaking off the wedding.”
    “What!” I said loudly enough that Kell looked up from her painting. “That punk.”
    “I never liked that little peckerwood,” my mom said. She must have been pissed because I had never heard her use that word, or any word like it, in my life. I almost laughed.
    “Can you two go over there and stay with her for the quarantine? I don’t want to leave my folks, and I’m worried about her.”
    “Um . . .” I was looking at Kell, who had come and was sitting at the table next to me, her ear to the phone listening. “When you say ‘we’ do you mean both Kell and I?”
    “Yes, I mean you and Kell. Come off it, Jacob, we all know about you two. It’s old news, so stop pretending. Your sister needs you, go to her. She’s going to move to her old room and you two can have the guest room, it has the bigger bed.”
    I looked at Kell, she nodded.
    “Of course,” she whispered.
    “Sure thing, Mom,” I said.
    “And one other thing,” my mother added.
    “When she called me, she said you two had been an incredible help in dealing a stressful situation, which is why she didn’t want to call you. I don’t know what that means, and the way she said left me thinking I am not sure I want to know. But whatever you can do to calm her down would be appreciated.”
    Kell cocked a sexy little eyebrow.
    “Thanks Mom. We’ll do what we can.”
    “Thanks Jacob. You ...