Putting on a Show
Date: 5/7/2024,
Author: byKaneSubotai
... appeared from the wings and all thoughts of a non-animalistic nature left Pete's head. Melissa was wearing a camo t-shirt without a bra and her nipples were like magnets for his eyes. Try as he might, he couldn't drag his gaze away from them.
"Ah, good, out two leads. Thanks for filling in at the last minute, Pete."
"Delighted to help out, Melissa." Pete smiled from the box, hoping his lack of head movement would look like it was caused by the restricting aperture.
"Right. Act two." Beth released them from the box. Pete was conscious that his erection hadn't subsided fully and made him look rather well hung. Quite uncharacteristically, he stood in front of Melissa, hands on hips, willing her to cop his bulge. Melissa's head, however, was buried in her notes.
Beth, meanwhile, pulled the bed on wheels on stage for the second act.
Pete had forgotten about this bit and dreaded the prospect of having to roll about on it with his sister, pretending to be in the throes of ecstasy. "Come on, sport." Beth called out, crawling across the mattress with her massive ass in the air. Pete felt himself stiffening more.
'Shit.' He thought. 'Have to hold it together.' He knew that it had been years since he'd even had a sexual thought that didn't involve a computer, let alone been in a position to have had one reciprocated. Not that rolling on a bed with his sister was in any way reciprocity! He told himself quickly.
He awkwardly plonked on the side of the ...
... bed.
Melissa, distracted from her notes, wandered over.
"Right, Pete, you need to embrace Beth, do the kissing scene, roll on top of her and basically make like you're making the beast with two backs."
"For the whole second act?"
"Yes. The climax of the play is encapsulated by, em, the two protagonists' climax. Relax, Pete. It's called acting."
Pete reddened.
"Let's see you." Melissa ordered.
Awkwardly, Beth and pete embraced, or at least, held each other at arm's length.
"No, no, no." Melissa shouted and walked over. She began grabbing arms and legs and placing them here and there until Beth and Pete were properly coupled. Pete ran through every score of every world series he could remember.
"Oh, put some effort in." Melissa chided. Thankfully, at the moment, the producer arrived with some issue and Melissa had to sort it out.
Beth and Pete disentangled, and Pete said he was going off in search of some robes. In reality, he was going to hide in the dressing room and never come back out.
A few minutes later, Beth appeared, and Pete handed her a robe.
"What's up, bro?" She knew him too well.
"What makes you think something's up?" he replied defensively.
"Because I know you. It's not Melissa, is it?"
"No. It's -- eh -- actually -- you --."
"Me? What have I done." She looked horrified.
"Nothing. When I say you, I mean me."
"What are you talking about?"
Pete sat there desperate for the ground to swallow him whole.
"I'm, eh." How could ...