Bad Seed 12
Date: 5/6/2024,
Science-Fiction ,
Mind Control,
Author: pars001
... told.
"Mate!" Tiane said as she rushed to him. "I thought that I would never feel your touch again."
A small smile came to the master's faces, "we are trying to ensure that this does not happen again," the second master said.
"All of you realize that I am going to have to go after my stepbrother and mother. Plus there are two more races that need to be eradicated, before they do this again," Wren said.
This, of course, was met with several looks of disapproval. "Must you have revenge?" asked Rena.
Wren took a breath before she turned toward Rena. "As I have told the masters, it really isn't revenge. These eight races destroyed my home, my mother and sister. No, this is about justice, justice for the four billion souls that were snuffed out. Justice for those that didn't have a chance to fight, only slaughtered. No, not revenge, justice for all the souls that were silenced for nothing."
Rena and Tiane both had a shocked look on their faces at the strength of conviction Wren had. Then they thought about it, most of what Wren had said seemed right. Those killed deserved justice for what had been done.
Rena bowed to Wren, shocking her, "I wish to apologise, though I am afraid that I couldn't seek the justice that you are. I do understand and will not attempt to stop you. If I can help, I and I'm sure Tiane will help."
Wren, still shocked, bowed to both of them, "I am honored that you can accept my mission, thank you."
Less than five minutes later, ...
... Wren was leaving Ceti-5, heading out to open space. Making orbit Wren smiled seeing her stgep-mothers fleet. Time for a little pay back, she smiled.
Onboard the lead ship, Esmerelsa smiled when she saw Wren's ship, now she thought we'll see.
A moment later, Wren's ship vanished into a portal. Edmerelsa, expecting this, was surprised when Wren's ship appeared next to her ship.
Smiling evilly, she waited for Wren to fire. A moment later, a strange looking missile launched from Wren's ship. Just as fast Wren's ship winked out.
Esmerelda was smiling broadly 'til the missile hit the new shields. It then winked out, causing Esmerelda's mouth to drop open, then the missile reappeared, blowing a hole in the rear of the ship.
A laugh came over the com., "fix that bitch, oo bad I didn't aim better. Bye, be bitch pretender," came Wren's voice.
Then the strange thing happened as a multi-colored portal opened, then Wren was gone.
More to herself than anyone else, she whispered, "What in the hell was that?I want a full analysis on what that was," Esmerelda was yelling.
More than a few of the bridge crew were running from scanner to scanner trying to sus out what that was.
For the first time in a long time Esmerelda had to admit she was screwed. Then again she wasn't about to admit that to any of the scum of her crew.
Wren was surprised that she had wished that a portal would open that would take her to her brother. A mere minute later, they had crossed more than ...