1. Dianna’s Awakening Chapter Two

    Date: 5/5/2024, Categories: Cheating Author: JdRobbins

    I spent the day Wednesday fending off the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. At about 5:00 P.M., I started getting ready, curling my hair and applying modest makeup. I had already decided to dress conservatively and chose a lovely pink blouse that buttoned up and a pair of black slacks that hugged my hips nicely. I was ready and wondered if Paul would arrive home before I left to meet Jerry.
    He finally pulled into the driveway at 6:15. "I got tied up at work and didn't leave until after 5:00; traffic was brutal on the drive home," Paul said as he walked into the kitchen.
    "I was worried you wouldn't get here before I left," I said.
    Paul didn't react; I assumed he had hoped I'd get cold feet and back out of my planned meeting with Jerry.
    "How do I look?" I asked.
    "Like you're going to a PTA meeting, why wouldn't you wear a skirt and show off your best features," he said.
    "I didn't want to look too sexy for our first meeting," I replied.
    He laughed, "Dianna, you're meeting a man who you want to fuck. I think a little sexy is called for; unbutton the top three buttons on your blouse and give him something to look at. Paul suggested.
    As I did what he suggested, I spun around on the balls of my feet, "How's that?" I asked.
    "Better, your ass looks great in those slacks," he said.
    I glanced at the clock; it was 6:25. I guess I should get going," I said.
    "Okay," was his one-word reply.
    I thought about kissing him, but since I was leaving to meet ...
    ... another man, I decided better. I just smiled and asked, "Are you going to wait up for me?"
    "I doubt it," Paul said.
    I left without saying anything else. As I drove the family minivan to O'Neil's, those butterflies grew even more significant, and when I parked in the lot across the street, my hands trembled. I sat there for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. Be yourself, Dianna; let your personality shine, and hope that Jerry will say the words to make you feel comfortable. I strolled across the street, then pulled the door open, stepping inside to scan the assembled men at the bar. O'Neil's has an oval-shaped bar with an area at the back where there are tables for couples. Since I was the only unaccompanied woman, the six men seated at the bar turned and checked me out. I spotted Jerry sitting along the backside of the oval. A huge smile appeared on my lips as I lifted my hand and waved at him. Jerry raised his hand and waved back, flashing his brilliant white smile at me.
    As I approached the end and started walking toward him, I noticed the other five men were watching me. I was happy that I'd taken Paul's advice and unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse, turning it from a PTA meeting outfit to a more seductive check-me-out look.
    As I approached him, Jerry slipped off his barstool and extended his arms. I flowed into him, and he gave me a friendly hug and a short kiss on one cheek. He is about six inches taller than me and leaned down to whisper in my ...