1. Girl and the Dark Castle - chapter 23

    Date: 5/5/2024, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cum Swallowing Hardcore Humiliation Violence Author: Wanderwolf, Source: sexstories.com

    ... time is completed? I made my amends to the board and the castle?”
    “Yes, you have,” Mr. Wolf said with a grin. “isn’t that right Gonzo.” He could only moan.
    “Then our time is about done, my good boy. I want you to remember this the next time you want to act like an ass.” She pushed off him, leaving his rock-hard cock. Still holding his legs in place. “Now that dick will stay hard for a long time after I leave. I want you to stroke it until you can’t hold back any longer. Then you will cum one last time for ma’am. Does my good boy understand?”
    “Yes ma’am,” he said softly as his hand started stroking his cum covered cock.
    Sweetheart let go of his legs and walked past the two. They stood watching as this fucking monster stroked his cock because a woman half his size ordered him to.
    Sweetheart put in the robe and headed to the door, not waiting to see if the others followed. The footsteps behind her let her know one was following. As she rounded the first corner she turned to see Mr. Wolf hurried to catch her. “Ms. Sweetheart,” he called out. “Please wait ...
    ... a moment.”
    She stopped and waited for him to catch her. “What is it Mr. Wolf. I want to go find Sir.”
    “I have a note for you,” he stated. Taking it from his jacket pocket and handing it to her. “I do want to say you did an amazing job with your punishment. It has been a long time since I saw someone go that far. Very well done.” With that he turned and walked away down the hallway.
    The envelope just had her name, Sweetheart, written on the front. She walked a few paces and found a quiet corner to sit and read the note. She slowly peeled the envelope open. She removed the small card, turning it over in her hand.
    To my Sweetheart,
    I have been called away for business and will be gone for some time. Feel free to stay as long as you wish. I can see how much you have grown from the scared girl. If you stay, Mr. Wolf will set you up and Sam will be your servant. Explore and enjoy.
    A small tear rolled down her cheek. It was followed by a big smile across her face. “This is not the end but only the beginning,” she whispered.
    THE END 