1. My Dirty Secrets 3.1

    Date: 5/4/2024, Categories: Taboo Author: Spendingtime

    ... month.
    Amber's parents passed when she was young and left her some money. She had grown up with her grandparents, who lived just half a block from me. She used her parents' college funds to pay for school and her apartment. She'd never had a job and, as far as I know, didn't want one. College, for her, was just another social opportunity.
    "What's on your mind, Jess?" Amber asked with a smile. "I know that look."
    "And what look is that exactly?" I laughed.
    "That I met a boy look, the same one that you got with Sam last summer after he kissed you behind the church after youth group," she fired back, giggling.
    "Um, it's not anything," I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.
    We continued to watch the students scurrying in and running out. The restaurant was loud and difficult to chat in. Finishing our food, we headed back out and walked to the car.
    "You know how you like a good bit of gossip?" I asked, looking at Amber as we walked.
    "I don't know what you're talking about," Amber replied, batting her eyes and holding both hands under her chin with a face of sarcastic virtue.
    "What I'm about to tell you can't ever be repeated. Are we clear on that?" I said bluntly.
    "Oooh, Jessica, spill it!" She squealed with delight.
    "Promise me, Amber, on our friendship, promise me."
    "Okay, okay, I promise. What is it already?" she begged.
    I began to tell her everything. I mean everything from what I'd seen to what I'd done. This was what I imagined ...
    ... confession to be like. I just unloaded everything that confused, terrified, and excited me. I talked uninterrupted all the way from the restaurant up to Amber's apartment. I kept going with every detail as we sat on her couch.
    "I think that's about it," I said, wrapping things up.
    "I'm going to need you to say something," I implored.
    "Jess, you watched them having sex?" Amber asked.
    "Seriously! That's what you took away from all that?" I asked with a touch of harshness in my voice, unsure if she was joking.
    "Girl, you said a lot of things, and I don't have any answers for you," she replied, "You just need to weigh your options and the potential outcomes."
    This could have been the most thoughtful advice she'd ever given me and the only possibly correct answer to the amount of drama I'd just dumped into her lap.
    Amber got up, got her nail polish, and sat back down.
    "We still doing this?" She smiled.
    I nodded and slipped my sandals off. Amber turned on some music, and we kicked our feet into each other's laps as we started taking the old polish off each other's toes. This ritual was comfortable for me and a welcome distraction. I rubbed the remover on Amber's toes, and she worked quietly on my own toes. We sat silently, removing each other's toenail polish for at least three songs. Then Amber quickly ran her fingernail against the arch of my foot, tickling me.
    "So Nick, huh?" She said shyly
    "Yeah, I guess," I said, giggling.
    "So you saw everything? ...