Ten Day Cruise Ch. 02
Date: 5/1/2024,
Author: bydarkvision29
... stretch out and swim. Our school's Olympic-sized pool provided enough length to stretch out, but it wasn't available during the summer.
I stopped and tried to stand. The water was over my head, so I swam back toward shore. When I was able to stand, I stopped to rest.
"This is great," Glen said. "The saltwater makes you more buoyant than fresh water."
"What does the taste remind you of?" Jenny said as she bumped against my side.
I thought for a moment and began laughing. I playfully smacked Jenny and said, "You're so bad!"
"What are you two talking about?" Glen said.
"The saltwater tastes a lot like cum," Jenny said.
Glen and Brad made faces. Jenny and I continued to laugh.
We splashed around in the waist-deep water. Glen and Brad began dunking Jenny and me, and we tried to dunk them. The boys were too strong for either of us to dunk alone, so Jenny and I teamed up. We dunked Glen first. Jenny jumped on his back while I went underwater and grabbed his legs. Once we dunked Glen, we attacked Brad. I went under to catch Brad's legs and ended up with my face pressed against his crotch. Jenny jerked him backward, and he went under.
Brad came up sputtering water. He grabbed me from behind and swung me around. His hands slid up from my waist, stopping when they reached my breasts. Brad didn't grope me, but I was well aware of his hands.
The four of us made our way to shore. Laughing, we settled on our towels. Jenny and I sat facing each other with our ...
... legs folded Indian style. It was weird looking at her pussy, but I guessed it was just as strange for her. Brad pulled sodas out of his backpack, passing them out to each of us.
I stretched out on my back, propping myself on my arms. The hot sun on my naked body felt wonderful. Brad and Glen sat near Jenny and me, talking about swimming in the ocean.
"We just have to get together when we return to Michigan," Jenny said. "We can have so much fun together."
"Yeah, we sure can," I said. "We can go to Metro and stuff."
"There's something else we can do. We can go out without worrying about anyone finding out about our secrets," Jenny said.
I hadn't thought about what Glen and I would do when we returned home, but I knew we couldn't date as boyfriend and girlfriend. Jenny's idea opened many possibilities for us. We could all go to parties and places where our friends hung out.
"I never thought about it, Jenny, but you're right," I said.
"Being in love with my brother sucks sometimes. I go out with other boys, but only so my friends don't find out. Now, we can all go together, and no one will know. They'll think you're going with Brad, and I'm going with Glen," Jenny said.
"Sounds great to me, Jenny," Brad said.
"I guess it can be difficult, can't it? I mean, it isn't like you can go parking," Glen said.
Jenny laughed and said, "We have to be careful, but Brad and I fool around when we're out. I love blowing him when he's driving."
"Aren't you afraid ...