1. Fucked and Fucked Over

    Date: 4/29/2024, Categories: Diary , Blackmail, Coercion Cruelty Incest Latina, Teen Written by women Author: LaceyChains

    This story is a repost. I apologize if you have read it before
    "I'm sorry, Mia. I'm not going to make it tonight..."
    There was more after that, of course. His words rolled on and on in a pathetic monologue about how much he hated standing me up. If only it weren't for this or that or the other thing... Bla bla bla... It was all a bunch of fucking excuses that didn't mean shit to me.
    I mean, there I was, with my makeup all perfect and everything and wearing a tiny back dress that was just asking to be pulled off of my tight, little body! I was finally ready to fuck him senseless and he wasn't going to make it? Ugh!
    "Of course, Evan. I understand," I said in the bone-dry tone that always sneaks into my voice when I'm pissed. I rolled my eyes while curtly telling him he should call me later. He actually sounded all upbeat and happy, like everything was just fine...
    "Pinche' cabron!" I hissed when the connection died. After a month of giving him kisses and hand jobs, I was finally ready to let him have me and that's the night he decides to call off? I couldn't fucking believe it! I was all dressed up and ready to fuck, and instead, I was going to be stuck at home with nothing more than my finger? I was seriously fucking pissed off.
    "Pinche maricon!" I yelled at the phone before shoving it back into my purse.
    Catching my reflection in the mirror, I saw an angry but very hot Latina with long, brown hair and deep, longing eyes staring back at me. 'Damn, I do ...
    ... clean up nice.' I thought with more than a little satisfaction.
    "Well, you missed out, Evan." I mused at my reflection. My breasts rode firm and high on my chest and the low, V-cut neckline of my dress exposed a dangerous amount of my golden brown cleavage. I was at my sexy best and my ruby-red lips formed a vengeful grin as I sent a quick selfie to my soon-to-be-ex boyfriend. I didn't give a shit about whatever it was that was keeping him away, but I did want him to know what he was missing out on!
    'Your loss, Even.' I typed on the tiny screen before hitting send.
    "Serves you right, you pick. And to think I was all set to get my freak on with you."
    Anger makes me do crazy shit and the more I thought about how he dumped me, the madder I got. I didn’t know how, but I wasn’t gonna just change into my pj’s and call it a night.
    "Well, I'm not changing my plans now. I don't need Evan to get laid. What I do need is a ride." With my reflection smiling in agreement, I suddenly felt much better about being stood up.
    There was no way my mother was going to drop me off anywhere dressed like this, so that left my brother, Tomas. If he was still home, I knew where he'd be. Tomas was nineteen, a year older than me and whenever he wasn't out getting into trouble, he could be found in the basement, working on his very impressive muscles. I had to admit, brother or not, I really enjoyed watching him lift weights.
    "Hi, Tommy," I chirped as I carefully navigated the basement ...