Quarantined with Kell, Part VI
Date: 4/27/2024,
Male / Older Female,
Author: JackDRipper
... can’t locate and tap into her video controller to see where the cameras are. If we’re lucky she may have even stored some incriminating videos.”
I am not a tech person, and Bridget is a mixed bag, but Kell has always been a whiz at technology. Within an hour, she had found the IP address of the controller. Though we didn’t know where it was physically in the house, she had no trouble locating it virtually. And though my mother had changed the default password, it was not difficult to figure out.
We did this in silence, out of sight of the cameras we could identify. Our only communications were via text messages.
And then, there it was, on Kell’s computer screen. An array of cameras. Seven in all, spread our around the house. In my room, the guest room, the master bedroom, Bridget’s old bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room.
We went for another walk to get out of the house and figure out our strategy.
“So we have enough evidence now to blow her out of the water,” I said. “I say we just call her now and confront her.”
“We’ve got cameras, but she’s wiped the server of any incriminating videos. Anything she wanted copies of she apparently stored elsewhere, maybe on her personal laptop or on key drives in some locked closets. Just having the cameras isn’t enough evidence. If we really want to get her we need something more damning. Plus, after all, you wanted to seduce her, right?” Kell asked, with a cocked eyebrow. I had to admit the idea ...
... still held an appeal.
“So what do we do?”
“We tell her I went home, then Bridget and I hole up at Bridget’s place, leaving you two alone. Since she wants to get some evidence against you, I bet she tries to seduce you pretty quickly after she gets back. As soon as she takes the bait I grab the videos from the server before she can cherry-pick only the ones she wants seen, and we can call her out on her spying - and get your money.”
So, as planned, a couple days later Kell and Bridget went to Bridget’s apartment. When I brought my mother home from the airport, I told her that Kell hand gone home and that Bridget went back to her apartment. She and I were the only ones around.
The first couple of days went uneventfully. It was my plan to let her make the first move. Kell and I texted often, and she checked the video controller regularly.
I didn’t have to wait too long.
It was a Thursday evening. After I logged off work, my mother made some stir fry for dinner, and we decided to watch a movie on TV. I wanted to take a shower first.
When I came back down, I wore a pair of old shorts and a T-shirt. I went into the living room and flipped on the television, surfing through the options on Netflix and Prime. I could hear my mother in the kitchen. A moment later I turned when she came into the room and I caught my breath. While I was in the shower, my mother had changed into a light, short satin robe. I had seen the robe before on warm nights, but this time was she ...