1. A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch. 12

    Date: 4/27/2024, Categories: Science-Fiction , Consensual Sex Death, Male / Females Masturbation Mind Control, Author: pars001

    ... explain."
    Ephus nodded as his attention turned to the circle. As the events replayed, Ephus' face started to grow grim. The longer the scenes played, the grimmer his expression got.
    "I..." here Ephus stopped, what was it he just saw? "I do not feel that much power that I just saw from me. I have no idea how or where that came from." Here he turned toward Odin, "can you explain it?"
    Odin held Gungnir out in front of him, passing it over Ephus a few times. He then looked at the weapon, nodding a few times.
    "Gungnir says that you have a far deeper well of power than she has ever seen. She also says that you have an ability to only use what you need. Though in this case? You grew angry, whatever boundaries you have within you were shattered. Ah! She says that it appears to be a protective measure," Odin said.
    Ephus was shocked at this. He should have been able to feel the power that was within himself. Reaching in, he started to nod. Now that he was aware of it, he could barely feel it. Hmm, he thought, this was going to take getting used to.
    Not far away, Loki was getting off the floor again. He was about to start railing at those there when Cronus' visage appeared. For the second time that day, Loki was smashed into the wall.
    "You weak, insignificant, fool!" Cronus shouted at Loki. "You were supposed to have taken care of this human piece of filth by now," Cronus again, driving ...
    ... Loki into the wall. "Take care of this NOW. The longer he remains free the longer it is going to rid this realm of him."
    "I need more power..." Loki started.
    This got him knocked back into then through the wall.
    In a low menacing growl, Cronus said, "You have more than enough. Now, use that useless thing you call a brain and destroy him. I may not be there, but I can still punish you for failing, which at present is all you are doing."
    Cronus drew back a fist, driving it with all he had into Loki's face, knocking him out. Disgusted, Cronus vanished, several beings were immediately at Loki's side lifting and placing him on a divan.
    All of the leaders of Loki's allies, started to make plans. They couldn't afford to lose Loki. He was the only one that was strong enough to fulfill their plans.
    At present, they were still working on breaking the blocks that were keeping part of their troops out. They had little success. They had gotten a hundred troops back. Then again, in the grand scheme, that was nothing compared to what they actually had.
    They were well into planning an assault on where the gods and Valkeries were when Loki awoke. Though madder than he'd been in a while, a truly wicked smile when he saw the plans.
    Looking over all that were there and waiting outside, Loki smiled. True, he didn't have all the troops, as he started to power all there higher, he thought he had enough. 