1. 3838 Walnut Street Pt. 01

    Date: 4/27/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byrawlyrawls

    ... tall, zaftig woman stood in robes, giving the offering a beatific smile.
    "Nope. I can't tell you anything." Joe followed Abshir's gaze and shivered. "I just walk past them as quickly as I can." He turned away from the art. "How about the laundry room?" Waving them out of the lobby, he led them toward the basement.
    By the time Joe was showing them around the 12th floor, all three teenagers were more relaxed. They cracked a few jokes. Joe offered to introduce them to his friends if they ended up at his school. When he found out they liked video games, he invited them over if they moved in down the hall. He even offered to help them move.
    The Dahir twins were now hoping they got apartment 12E.
    September 26, 1993: Apartment 12C, the Kwon family
    "Hey, Brian. Wait up!" Rosalin waved her hand, but Brian didn't see her as he walked out the front door. She hustled across the lobby after him, chuckling to herself. She was too old to be chasing teenage guys around.It's not like my fiancé would mind.I'm only befriending Brian Kwon to find a missing family.
    The doorman opened the door for her. "Thank you, James." Rosalin smiled at the doorman and raced past. She was immediately accosted by the echoing sounds of construction, car horns, and people. So many people.
    Looking to the left, she spotted Brian's black hair disappearing through the throng of people on the sidewalk. Rosalin crossed her arms over her chest so people wouldn't see her bouncing through her ...
    ... sweater. It took her less than a minute to catch up to Brian. She tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned toward her with a smile.
    "Oh, hey, Rosalin." Brian removed the headphones for his Walkman and pressed stop on the cassette.
    "I'm headed this way. I'll walk with you." Rosalin fell in next to him as they strolled down Walnut Street. "What are you listening to?"
    "Nirvana." Brian glanced at her to judge her reaction.
    "Oh... rad... I love them," she lied. Rosalin had heard them on the radio and thought they were a little melodramatic.
    "Cool... cool." Brian nodded and smiled. "Where are you going?"
    "I'm meeting my fiancé at the library," she said. "How about you?"
    "Band practice at a friend's place." He lifted up his trumpet case for her to see. "Isn't the library the other way?"
    "Oh, I just wanted to catch up with you for a minute." She patted him on the shoulder.
    Brian hoped he wasn't blushing too profusely. He tried to swallow the goofy grin that wanted to plaster itself on his face. "Sure," he said cooly.
    "Hey, Brian, have you noticed anything odd about the building? Maybe heard anything weird about former tenants?" She studied him with side-eye.
    "Yeah, actually." Brian adjusted the trumpet case in his hand. "I did notice something odd."
    Rosalin's heart sped up.Finally, I'm about to get a clue.
    "There's this freakish mold growing in the laundry room." He turned left down the next street, and she stayed right by his side.
    "Oh, ...