1. A Neighborly Affair Part 2

    Date: 4/26/2024, Categories: Teen Author: johndoe7

    ... the stages of grief and threw away tons of food, mostly nameless casseroles and a multitude of cheese trays that were continually donated by friends and neighbors. By late July, we had resumed a normal life again, more or less.
    My affair with Linda Collins continued but with diminishing fanfare and less frequency. My family situation dampened things to the point where we occasionally had wild sex and let it all out, but for much of the summer, my leisure time at her house was more like a counseling session. Linda was very sweet and let me bare my soul to her (and occasionally other things) while she listened and provided a shoulder to lean on. She became almost a mother to me, which seemed a bit incestuous in retrospect.
    Sharon, my college-aged neighbor who was the first to know me in the biblical sense, offered condolences as well, and we eventually did have what amounted to sympathy sex. She invited me over to her house when her parents were away on a trip, and we ended up in a tangle on her parent's king-sized bed. As it turned out, I had misinterpreted her reaction to my premature ejaculation in the front seat of my car.
    We were in her living room on the couch, watching TV and drinking some of her parents' wine, snuggling and doing lots of hugging. I let the sympathy card play out until I finally had to stop her.
    "Look, Sharon. I truly appreciate your concerns, but I'm ok. I don't mean to be ungrateful, and I am happy that you invited me over, but let's ...
    ... talk about anything other than how I'm dealing with all these emotional issues. I do think about them, but I need a break from it. No disrespect to my mother, whose memory I cherish. OK?"
    "Oh, Sammie. I'm so sorry." She looked at me with those teary, doe eyes waiting for what came next.
    And with that, we were locked in an embrace, passionately kissing and groping. Her tongue explored my mouth. We were like two snakes in heat. In no time, I had Sharon's sweater completely off, her bra on the floor, and her slacks unzipped. Sharon held up her end by unzipping my fly, and after a considerable struggle, releasing my cock from the prison of my pants and stroking it to a rock-hard erection.
    "God, Sammie, I think it's even bigger than the last time I saw it. I've been thinking about your cock ever since that night, but I couldn't tell myself it was as big as I thought it was. Here's the proof. Please tell me you have a rubber this time."
    With a Cheshire grin, I looked up from sucking a pink puffy nipple, fumbled in my front pants pocket, and pulled out a sealed package containing a prophylactic. "Trojan Magnum at your service, ma'am. I'll even let you put it on me." I had purchased a dozen for Linda, but she was on the pill and preferred sex without any artificial obstacles. I had used a condom once with her, and we both agreed sex was better without it. But I knew better than to suggest that with Sharon.
    "Wait, I want to try something before you put on that raincoat." ...