Dr. Price
Date: 4/25/2024,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Older Male / Female,
Oral Sex
Author: GSpot69
"Dr. Spiegel. I'm Dr. Price."
Jim Spiegel looked up from the stack of medical charts into the eyes of a very pretty, well-dressed lady. She was extending her hand to him. Instinctively, he shook her hand and said, "Dr. Price. I have a patient with the same last name. Any chance you're related?"
"Tom Price," she said. "He's my father. How's he doing?"
"Frankly, he's lucky to be alive, but I think he'll be fine. He has a nasty contusion on the crown of his head, the radius and ulna in each arm is broken, and he broke the tibia in his left leg. Dr. Krieger, our on-call orthopod worked on him right after the accident and reported that the surgery went well. Come on and I'll show you."
As they walked toward the large flat-screen computer monitor in the back of the ICU, Rhianna Price, MD asked, "Any LOC?"
"Oh, yes," Dr. Spiegel replied. "The EMT said he was out cold. From what we can tell from their report, the truck crossed the centerline and hit your father head on. His airbag deployed and broke both his arms. Apparently, he wasn't wearing his seatbelt, so he went over the top of the airbag and struck his head on the windshield frame. The engine collapsed the fire wall and smashed his leg. As I was saying, he's lucky to be alive."
Rhianna shook her head and said, "Maybe now he'll start wearing his seatbelt. I've been on him for years. Did you do a head CT?"
By way of reply, Dr. Spiegel pulled up the CT scan image on the monitor. "No signs of intracranial ...
... bleeding, but we'll keep him in the ICU for at least 24-hours." He then pulled up the pre- and post-operative x-rays of his arms and leg for her to observe.
"Damn”, She said.
"Yep”, Dr. Spiegel responded. He looked at her closely. She looked as tired as he felt. She had dark blue eyes that made him wonder if they were actually that color, or if she was wearing tinted contact lenses. Her straight dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail but would have fallen to the middle of her back had she worn it loose. She had thin lips that turned up at the corners so that she appeared to be smiling and a small, cute cleft in her chin. She was immaculately dressed in a black dress that fell to just above her knees. The dress had a deep V-neck and she was wearing a beige blouse with frills around the collar. She appeared to have large breasts, although it was difficult for him to tell. Over the dress she wore a fitted red coat that ended at the same length as her dress and that enhanced the length of her body. He thought she was probably about 5' 4" and shapely. "Did you fly in today?"
"Uh huh," she said nodding her head. "I was in New York at a conference when I got the call. I jumped on the first flight I could catch. As you might imagine, I didn't sleep on the plane."
"Well, I'm on duty until 7 tomorrow morning, so why don't you head...home? Try to get some sleep."
She smiled brightly at him. She had a dazzling smile, with high cheekbones and small creases around her mouth ...