1. Meeting Memphis-pt1 ~ A Girl and Graceland

    Date: 4/25/2024, Categories: Diary , Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex Romance Water Sports/Pissing, Author: MemphisMight

    So there's this girl, 19 and fresh out of high school. It's summer in the city of Memphis, and she's up and out of her aunt's house early. Excited, because she's decided to spend the day with the windows down, the breeze blowing through her curls and music blaring out of her Granny's old '57 Chevy. She stops at a mini-mart to fill her tank and get an ice-cold drink for the road. It's already starting to warm up, so she's thankful for the slight breeze.
    Her mind starts going towards her upcoming responsibilities of working and starting college soon. She gets irritated with herself for allowing her mind to go there. This isn't the day for that, this is the day for relaxing and fun in the sun. A day for leaving all your worries behind and seeing what adventures are out there waiting for her.
    Just as she's in the middle of fueling and scolding herself, a sweet breeze starts to caress her. Shes thankful for the white sundress, with pink flowers, she decided last minute to throw on. That breeze had started at her ankles and rolled its way up under her sundress. The thin sheen of sweat starting to glisten her skin, mixes with the breeze, causing an instant cooling sensation throughout her entire body. The kind that causes your whole body to shiver and tingle inside, deep inside. It's the kind that makes your girl parts moist and your nipples come to life, pressing against the top of her dress. Enjoying this sensation and wanting it to continue, with her eyes closed, she ...
    ... shifts her position against the car. With her head resting in her arms on top of the car, she spreads her legs slightly, hoping for another welcoming breeze.
    What she gets instead, is the intrusion of a red pickup truck pulling into the station. The driver stops at the pump next to hers. He gets out, smiles at her with a head nod and says "mornin'", before starting to fuel his truck. Entranced with his smile and eyes, and with a complete disregard for the obvious age difference between the two of them, she awkwardly stammers out, "HI! Umm hello!", as he's walking away. Heading into the store, he turns back and gives her a slight smile and chuckles.
    While she's being too hard on herself, he's using this last glance to take in absolutely everything about her. The golden color of her hair and the way the curls frame and capture her face. The insane brilliance of blue in her eyes. Thinking only Lake Tahoe can match their beauty of blue. Her sweet lips and that smile, all accentuated by magnificent cheekbones. All that beauty, held in place by the most perfect and sensual neck he's ever seen. A slight glisten of sweat made her neck and upper chest sparkle. In an instant, he takes it all in. Capturing it like a snapshot, holding onto it for as long as his brain will allow.
    Oblivious to any of this going on, she decides to slow the flow of fuel, hoping she can manage a legitimate reason to still be there when he comes out. As he enters the store, she peers into his truck, trying ...