Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 1
Date: 4/23/2024,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Teen Male / Female
Author: DiscipleN
... dinner?"
I took my bowl of salad and pulled it to my chest, so I could lean out of the line of fire.
"I'd say it was no big deal, Mom. He was just jerking off when he thought I was busy in my room. Except, his was enough of a deal that I went back to my room, and I got busy with myself."
"Craig," Mom shook her head. "If you want privacy in our house, that's your responsibility." She warned Nell, "You know the difference between a glance and felony peeping."
"Seriously, Mom. It was difficult not to peep, not until he stopped." Nell snorted at me. "Sorry, Craig. You surprised me."
I was turning red enough that lowering my face couldn't hide it. "I'll be more careful." I bit into my tostada and chewed in shame.
Mom would have taken the cue and added to my sister's smart comments, but there was only silence. I looked up and around. It was never quiet during feeding times at the Gibson home. Nell was giving Mom a puzzled look. Mom's eyes swung between us. "What?"
Silence returned to the room. The three of us picked up our forks and continued eating. This was new. We had nothing to talk shit about.
I finished a tostada and started on my second. Nell had consumed her salad and was nibbling her first tostada.
Mom tapped her fork soundlessly against her food. "How big is it?"
"Mom!" I exclaimed.
Nell's guts had screwed up in knots, waiting for that moment. "He'll never be a superstar in porn, but mostly because he can't act his way out of grade ...
... school plays."
"Nell, don't you tell-" I begged.
"I watched for a least a minute, and I'm guessing seven maybe eight inches, but remember how you wanted him to take piano lessons because of his hand size? Little bro's thumb was barely touching his index finger!"
Heat flared up my neck and burned my ears. I was seconds away from bolting, but anger rooted me in my chair. "Don't listen to her, Mom."
"I'm sure she's exaggerating - always trying to provoke drama."
"You didn't see it." Nell took the remaining half of her tostada, to her room, shutting the door.
Mom stood up. "Sorry, Craig, I want to catch the next episode of Spooks and 'Stutes." She took her plate and bowl to the living room. I sighed, having survived another night without Dad around to quash silly bullshit.
Dad was a good guy. Worked hard and loved Mom, but Dad didn't like foolishness. His parents were Mennonites, whom he escaped physically if not mentally. He wasn't shy about sex. He gave me a detailed series of lectures about the birds and the bees when I was ten. Dad's job done, sex was no longer worthy of conversation with him.
I finished my dinner, cleared the table, and added plates and such to the dishwasher.
Dad arrived right after I beat Bloodborne's Nightmare Frontier in the den. Mom poured him half a tumbler of scotch, no ice, and ushered him, the tumbler, and bowl of trail mix, to their room.
I wanted to watch the rest of ShirleyThreeCunt's new video, but I decided to check my ...