1. The Fowler and His Net - Chapter 10

    Date: 4/22/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Bi-sexual Blowjob Bondage and restriction Coercion Female Domination, Group Sex Male Male/Teen Female, Masturbation Older Male / Female, Threesome Young Author: East Essex

    It was no more than twenty minutes before the cellar door opened once more and the now familiar metallic chick of the food trolley descended the stairs. ‘Mr. Fowler,' cried Rachel, as she turned on the lights, ‘we have dinner, and it smells lovely.’
    Gary sighed. He would rather have steadily weakened through hunger than to have the psychological stress of miss good cop and miss bad cop attending to his ministries. He guessed that he had been tied up for three or four days and had been fed, pottied, cleaned up, urinated on, masturbated, plied with drugs and humiliated. It seemed too much punishment for just a few trinkets. However, the Colonel’s revelation, that he was a subject of interest of the local hob nobs confused him. He would have remembered any special interest taken in him when he was a youth surely? However, all he did remember was Colonel Mortimer being somewhat lenient toward his father, Darren and himself, and being given the opportunity of an army life. Those were not exactly a sequence of events that would result in embarrassment for “Uncle Charles” if one of them later transgressed. So it was with this confusion that he allowed himself to be fed by Rachel and Deborah.
    ‘More waste.’ complained Deborah, ‘Truffles and Ginger. Must cost a bloody fortune.’
    ‘They do smell lovely though, oh, please eat Mr. Fowler. I don’t want to call my Mother.’
    Gary thought, and opened his mouth to accept the spoon being thrust at him. The food had a strong taste ...
    ... and repelled him. He scrunched up his face.
    ‘He doesn’t like it does he, the philistine!’
    ‘No, but it will keep him big and strong. I think he will like my surprise though, Mummy has talked about it with Uncle Charles’s academlics, and they think it’s a good idea. Remember, Mr. Fowler, I said I had something to show you?’
    Gary stayed quiet and glared.
    ‘Oh, the silent treatment!’ added Deborah, ‘thank God!’ I can’t stand listening to what they call an accent anyway, bloody sub-species!’
    ‘Debbie, that’s really unkind. Mr. Fowler can’t help the way he speaks, or the way he behaves. That’s what Mummy and Uncle Charles say. It’s their upbringing and all of the pastry and cheap lager and soap operas and everything. That’s why they say we have to be in charge, because they will just live like pigs if we aren't.’
    ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child, that’s what my father says about these bottom feeders.’
    ‘Well, I don’t really understand, but I think that everyone knows that the lower orders need to be put in their place, it’s just that Uncle Charles and his lordship want to do it in different ways, that’s all.’
    Rachel had inadvertently issued a great, revealing wisdom, but before it could burrow beneath her scalp the small company turned their heads on the sound of solid footsteps descending the solid stairs onto the solid stone floor.
    ‘Is Mr. Fowler wearing his regulator?’ asked a stern sounding Colonel Mortimer.
    ‘Oh, no Uncle Charles, we need to finish ...