1. Dinner Date Ch. 03

    Date: 4/20/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byDestination_unknown, Source: Literotica

    ... punishment?"
    Stephanie smiled. "That happens after we get his books. If he has money in offshore accounts, we're going need account numbers and access codes."
    "Personally, I think you're going to be disappointed by what you find. I think most of the money went to Lady Sonia. Percy, even though he was claiming to be a Dom, was paying her for her time. I doubt she knew about the embezzlement by her reaction last night. But even if she did, she's untouchable for now. Listen, you also need to change all your passwords and pin codes. Remove him from any signature cards your banks might have. Then get a credit report so you can see what accounts have been opened in your names and from there you will need to see who else has access to any cards out there."
    Stephanie hung her head and looked like she was about to cry.
    "Stephanie, look at me." She slowly raised her head. Her eyes were watering. "I know it looks like Mt Everest right now but you've got this. You all do. As long as everyone sticks together you will all pull through this. Just focus on the next step and before you know it you will be planting your flag on the peak. My list of accountants just shrank to one. He wasn't on my original list because he also has a personal stake in this as well. Because he does, I think he'd jump at the chance to hurt Percy even of it is only to bankrupt him. Do you trust me?"
    She nodded yes while crying.
    I grabbed my phone and dialed a number from memory. On the fourth ring ...
    ... I got an answer. "Timmy. This is Robert. You up for a little freelance work?"
    "Good morning to you too. So how little?" he replied sarcastically.
    "Let's see. Embezzlement of at least six different accounts, maybe more and a private firm has been hired to run interference. Actually, it might be a pretty big job and I don't know how much they will be able to afford."
    "Another of your hard luck cases?"
    "Unfortunately so, but that's the down side. Once I tell you the upside, I'm betting you will be begging me and saying you'd take the job for free."
    "Is that so. And why is that?"
    "Percival. Archibald. Scroggins. Are you interested?"
    "Fuck me! You found him? He's still alive? You're damn right I'm interested? I'm packing my bags right now. Where am I traveling to?"
    "Houston Tx. How long before you can get here?"
    "I'm calling the airline as soon as I hang up. Call you back at this number?"
    "I'll be here."
    And with that the line went dead.
    I turned back to Lady Stephanie. "You remember my history with Percy, right? Well, I'm not the only one he hurt when he drove my sister to the grave. Timmy had a little brother who was classified as special needs as well. He was a nice enough young man but he was in love with my sister and thought the sun, moon and stars all rose and set with her. Her death hit him pretty hard. Hard enough he died a short time after my sister did. I think if I asked Timmy, he might actually do all this for free just to get his ...