Draculas & Dragons
Date: 4/20/2024,
Fan fiction,
Female Domination,
Teen Male / Female
Author: NeoMintCity
Draculas & Dragons
Chapter One: Mist Travelers
It was late in the day, dusk was turning to night. The tall barbarian stumbled out of the alehouse. He reached down and adjusted his large member, pushing the dark purple head back into his loincloth. A man now, he was enjoying drinking at the different alehouses that his party encountered traveling this fantastical world. Last month marked his eighteen year. His ninth on this world, his sister and friends having been transported with him, all meant to become heroes. When he thought of home he missed many luxuries; Saturday morning cartoons and cereal ranked at the top of his list. No one in the alehouse ever believed his stories of home or Count Chocula and Yummy Mummy. They mistook them for monsters he had vanquished.
A moment ago the twin barmaids had both brushed up next to him as he left. One asked him to come back soon and the other asked where he was staying in town. Their large breasts pressed onto his arms. As they did his meat weapon twitched, attempting to escape its fur loincloth prison. Only the head had managed it as he slipped from between the buxom maids to the doorway. He told them he would be back tomorrow.
Walking in the direction of the inn he passed four hollow trees. Their shadows blended with the dark of early night. A chill spread over his muscular body. A light fog reached up from the ground. The fog’s Mist tentacles swirled and playfully danced around, pulling Bobby’s hands. He swung his ...
... wooded club through the Mist and smiled as it danced. The world darkened for a spell as the Mist lunged at him.
“Dad!” Mavis Dracula shouted, “Where are you?!” Turning her head, she said, “Hey, Zom! Have you seen my dad? It feels like I haven’t seen him in a human’s age.”
“Iiis thinz he saysss he was goingz to the amazzzon to get suppliessss for the hotelzz.” a zombie moaned. ‘Brainzzz’
“Thanks.” she began walking to the front desk.
Dad, you idiot. It's a website, not a river,
she thought.
Typing in the POS computer she closed a game, Pool of Radiance. Her eyes darted around looking for the ghoul who had been playing games on the new work computer. They all appeared to be missing at the moment, ‘Guess, I’ll bring it up at the staff meeting, again.’ Mavis whispered. She pulled her favorite perfume from a drawer and a light spritz chased away the annoyance.
Clicking on the weather app. She frowned. It listed Mist and fog. No times, no dates. No other forecast.
It's been over a week,
she thought,
feels like months. Oh satan, more like years.
She tapped refresh with her index claw. Her black mesh gloves pulled at her hand. Nothing happened; she clicked it twice. Nothing changed. Frowning, Mavis moved to check that the zombies had been keeping the sitting lounge clean. She stopped halfway there to adjust her sagging left stocking. Lifting her dress to do so. The black and red horizontal stripes ran from her short black dress down into her blood-red ...