The Dog Trainer - Chapter 1 Part 3
Date: 4/17/2024,
Bondage and restriction
Author: marxlaten
The noisy dog came straight for Natali. Trying to smell her through the cage's bars.
"Hey boy!" She said rubbing his head and ears. The dog would not sit still, constantly rotating his head, attempting to lick her hands.
"This is Lucky. He will be your friend for today." The trainer had joined them after dealing with the client.
"His owners find him abit too active for their liking and want us to fix that."
"How?" She asked, curious whether the dog was also getting a collar.
"Oh, pretty simple .. you tire him out. Play together, go for a walk, and feed him. He's your responsibility for today." He unlocked her cage door and continued, "As long as he is worn out before his owners are back in the evening then all is well. Otherwise .. I may have to intervene."
Lucky was extremely curious about her. Understandable, Natali must have been the first human he has seen locked up in one of the kennels. He had gone right up to her and was busy sniffing all around her, probably trying to figure out what she was doing there and why she was naked. She pushed his face away when he tried to sniff her ass and tried not to pay it too much attention.
"I have a couple errands to run to but dont think that means you can leave. If you step outside the fence, your collar will deliver the highest level of shock. I don't recommend it." The trainer displayed an evil smile as he left.
Well, that should be relatively easy. First, lets get him food.
"Come, boy" she ...
... went off searching for where the food would be stored. She discovered a small kitchen behind the grooming area, filled a bowl for Lucky and let him eat. She had now been naked for more than 12 hours and had grown quite used to it, but she was still aware of the camera placed in the front hall.
After eating they exited through the back door, pausing to open the other door she had noticed in the morning. Inside, she discovered some doggy toys, leashes, and a bench set in the center of the room. Natali chose a couple toys that she might use to keep her "friend" active and, hoping once again that no one would be lurking outside, Natali exited the building followed by Lucky.
They took a walk together, getting to know each other. Natali found the wind extremely pleasant on her naked skin. Part of her worried that she was becomming an exhibitionist, but so far, no one passed by. Even the warehouses remained quite. It seemed as though Lucky was her only company. Which was perfect for some self reflection.
Throw the ball.
Consider her situation. How did she get here?
"Good boy!" BARK!
Throw the ball.
Was she enjoying this? Did she want The Trainer to fuck her again?
"Oh! You're a fast one, aren't you?!"
Throw the ball further.
The grass on her bare ass was enjoyable. Her mind jumped between two thoughts, how she was fucked last night and whether she would be fucked more tonight.
Bark. The wetness between her legs spoke volumes about how much she was ...