Sweet Family Deal
Date: 4/8/2024,
Male / Female Teens,
Author: Limnophile
As I got home and walked in the kitchen Friday night, I admired my wife Alyssa's beautiful green eyes and curly dark hair. I sadly asked, "I'm guessing you want me to divorce you?"
She lit one of her long, slim menthol cigarettes. Seeing her suck on something usually shrank my shorts, but I was too sad at the moment. She exhaled a stream of smoke. "I ... I'm not sure. But I'm not happy anymore, Jason. I don't think you are either, right?"
As I saw our four nearly new vehicles out the window and glanced at the half-dozen expensive rings on her fingers I knew the answer, but still thought I should ask. "Is there anything I can buy you to make you happy?"
"No, we have so much already. More than I ever hoped for, before I met you."
"I know you're sad we can't have a baby but we could adopt. Do you think getting a kid or two would help?"
"I ... I always wanted to be a Mom. Maybe but that's not the main thing."
"Well, are you in love with somebody else?"
"Of course not! I still love you! So, is it sex? I've been missing sex a lot lately. Once or twice a week isn't nearly enough."
She said, "I know you want it every night, but two or three times a week would be good for me. It was so much better when we were dating. I miss the great times we had kissing, holding each other, and doing lots of oral. Lately you just want to screw and go to sleep! If we do it every day, it makes me feel cheap and sleazy, like sex is the only ...
... reason you keep me around. I miss cuddling and talking for hours. I miss playing with each other's hair and bodies."
I admitted, "For the first few months we dated, sex actually was the main thing that mattered to me, but it's been ten years. I really do love you. All of you."
She blushed as she put the cigarette out and admitted, "I love you too, but I miss you kissing my kitty SO MUCH! I was always happy to suck you off if you'd do the same for me."
"I know we used to, but usually I'm so tired after work I just want to skip to the best part."
She had a tear at the corner of her eye. "For me, what you skip IS the best part! It's like you don't give a crap whether I'm happy or not anymore! I think ... I think you should see a lawyer and get it started."
I said, "There's no way I'm filing for divorce. I think we can work this out. I can't lose you."
"I'm not so sure."
"You know if YOU start the divorce our prenup says you only get half a million, one vehicle, and the vacation house up north. If you want to leave me that badly ..."
"I ... I don't know. Let's just go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow."
"Okay. I'll be in the guest room."
"Jason, please come to bed. Just hold me? Please?"
I knew that touching her in bed would only aggravate my blue balls, but my conscience wouldn't let me leave her alone when she was upset.
The warm sunlight coming through the window woke me in the morning. I had a hand on one of Alyssa's nicely firm 'D' ...