1. A June Vacation-- Day 1

    Date: 4/1/2024, Categories: Mature Author: GrayGhost, Source: LushStories

    ... massaging our balls. It didn't take long for us men to climax. We were both straining at the seam. Simultaneously, we blew our nuts into the mouths of the girls. They were both quite satisfied with a job well done. Each got a load of cum and had no trouble swallowing it.
    They had finished in a dead heat. Both women were pleased with their accomplishments.
    On the other hand, we were drained and could barely walk, having received the best fellatio on the face of the earth. It had been quite an evening, and the couples staggered back to their rooms.
    Sleep was on the agenda for all. The Dreamland Express was ready to take us to Day Two of the vacation. Tomorrow would be another day.