Rachael - The Babysitter
Date: 11/11/2015,
Dark Fantasy
Author: Jack2840649
“But MOM!” I pleaded. “I don’t NEED a babysitter! Can’t I just stay by myself this once?” But she wasn’t budging. For Pete’s sake, I was FOURTEEN. Just because my parents had to go out of town for the weekend, why did I have to have somebody staying with me like I was some little kid! “Look Jeff, I’ve heard all I’m going to hear from you. I’m getting Mrs. Walker’s daughter, Rachel to stay with you, and that’s all there is to it.” Then her voice softened somewhat. “Listen sweetie, it’s not that we don’t trust you. You know we do. Your dad and I just want to know you’re safe, you know, with the swimming pool here and no one else around…just in case. Rachel is nineteen, and she would be able to drive you to…I mean if something bad…oh, I don’t even want to THINK about that! Plus, she needs the money for her college books next semester...” I know she was only doing what parents have to do, but I still wasn’t happy with it. She started going over all the things I couldn’t do while they were gone. No friends over, do whatever Rachel says, no this, no that. It was going to be a LONG weekend. Friday morning arrived, and my parents were just about packed. I went down in the basement for my morning workout. Removing my shirt, I admired myself in the mirror. I was pretty well developed for fourteen, and I had followed my football workout routine religiously all year long. The results had really begun to show in my arms, chest, and abs. I was going to give the starting quarterback a run ...
... for his money this year, and I wanted the coaches to see how hard I’d worked all summer. It sure didn’t look like a body that needed a babysitter. Damn. Afterwards, I showered and spent the next hour moping in my room. I wondered just how bossy this Rachel girl was going to be, and all the ways that she could make my life miserable this weekend. I envisioned her sitting on her fat ass talking on the phone while I had to do every crap chore that she dreamed up. I was shaken from my thoughts by the front doorbell. I could hear my parents talking to someone, so I knew my jail-keeper had arrived. I heard them going over all the details of their trip, where they could be reached, etc. Then I heard them giving her a tour of the house. Soon mom called up to me. “Jeff, honey, Rachel’s here. I heard footsteps on the stairs, and the door to my room swung open. “…and THIS is Jeff’s room. Say hello to Rachel, sweetie.” I groaned silently and rolled over. Suddenly, I was trying in vain to keep my eyeballs from popping out of my head. Rachel was a total BABE! Gorgeous green eyes, as deep as the ocean, twinkled at me. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that had been beautifully highlighted by the sun. She had on a tight-fitting Abercrombie tank, which did nothing but reinforce the fact that she had great tits. Her denim short-shorts hugged her thin frame tightly, and her tanned legs seemed to go on forever. She had already kicked off her shoes, which showed off her hot pink toenails, which ...