Stepsister Succubus Ch. 06
Date: 3/30/2024,
Author: byGadenKerensky
... bashful, Marc was still panicking, but she seemed to have a better understanding of what was going on than he did.
"You don't seem all that angry though," Sofia returned.
"I probably would be, if it weren't for the fact you were encouraging me to date him," Chaney answered. "After I had my suspicions. And I know you were encouraginghim to dateme."
At this, Marc interjected.
"Wait, what?" He turned to Sofia, who looked a little sheepish.
"I'm curious more than anything, I know you're not a cruel person Sofia, and Marc," she paused, turning to face him and cracking a soft smile, "you seem pretty genuine. So, I'm really just curious why Sofia would want you to date me if you two were already in a relationship. That's bizarre, and I know it's not trying to be cruel."
Marc searched for an answer, but he slumped and groaned.
"I actually really don't know. Sofia's... weird," Marc summarised.
"I know she's weird, but this is pretty extra," Chaney asserted.
Sofia sighed, and leaned back into her chair.
"Marc's cute, step-bro or not. But I didn't want to hog him all to myself, especially when I saw how you looked at him. I'm not out to steal his heart. And I wanted to see you both happy."
Chaney thought on this.
"But you can understand why I'm so confused. Like, I feel like I should be furious, that I should be calling it off with Marc and finding some way to blacklist you from the store... but, I don't. Which is what's really weird to me. I ...
... always considered myself open-minded, but this is more than I ever expected."
"Look, if it helps, and I don't think it does, I'm pretty damn confused about this too. I don't understand Sofia half the time, or how she can be so freaky, or how she managed to make it work, and make me think it could work," Marc added. "She's special, I'll say that much."
"I know she's special, half the suburb knows her and is smitten with her. Hell,I had a bit of a crush on her for a while, and I still might. So you can imagine I'm having a lot of confused thoughts at the moment."
"Believe me, I know I have that effect on huma--"
Sofia paused. Marc looked at her. Chany looked at her.
"People, I have that affect on people," Sofia finished, trying to brush the slip-up off.
"What was that?" Chaney probed.
"Just a few thoughts in my head, don't worry about it," Sofia assured.
"No, back up, you were going to say 'humans'. I know people can get wires crossed when thinking about two different things, but I don't see what else you'd be thinking about in this situation, with how serious it is. And people don't just say 'I have that effect on humans'. They say 'people'. And Marc looked at you like he was freaked out. Sofia, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Sofia glanced at Marc, at first looking like she wanted to chastise him, before thinking better of it given it was her fuck-up. Then, she let out a defeated sigh.
"Fine. You want to truth?" Sofia asked.
"Duh?" Chaney ...