Mum's Hotel Ch. 01
Date: 3/29/2024,
Author: byjd8406
... said was, "Are you Barry? Your grandfather would like to speak with you. Let him do the talking as he hasn't long."
Mum and Jo looked surprised as the doctor led me out of the waiting room, he left me in Tom's private room; he closed the door behind him as Tom smiled when he saw me; he patted the side of the bed showing he wanted me to sit there, which I did.
"Barry, your birthday is very important, 19.03.06 is the combination numbers of my safe 19 to the right, 03 to the left and 06 to the right. You'll have access to my safe, you'll now be the man of the family. You have met frequently John, my lawyer also Bill, my accountant, you can trust both these men. John has more than enough evidence to get Babs a divorce from your father, a man I've no time for, when the time comes, John is prepared for everything."
"You and your mother will be both financially secure I know that you'll go to university in September, I would like you to go into the hotel to run it with Jo, Jo's a great number 2 but she needs someone to guide her as she lacks the ability to be a number one. I'm leaving you with a great general manager. The managers of each department in the hotel are all good. The hotel runs like clockwork but it needs a member of the family whose heart is in it. Finally, Jill, Jo's daughter, is a girl I'm very fond of. She'll graduate as an accountant next year. I've spoken to Bill about her and he'll take her into his firm if you can help Jill and Jo, please do that for ...
... me, I wish you every success now I'd like to speak with Babs and Jo, the two women in my life. Barry, I've left you a letter in my safe. Please don't read it until after I've gone."
I stood up I kissed Tom on the cheek and said, "Tom, I will do everything you've asked of me."
I had tears in my eyes when I told mum and Jo that Tom wanted to see them. Sitting in the waiting room, my mind running in overdrive trying to work out what Tom had said to me; I loved the hotel. I loved working there. I didn't look at it as work but a way of life, mum had me when she was eighteen. She was now thirty-six, but she knew nothing about the running of the hotel.
I wondered about what Tom had said about mum divorcing dad and the evidence John had; I knew mum and dad argued a lot when dad was home and that wasn't often I'd seen many pictures of mum when she was younger she was a beautiful, tall, voluptuous woman, dad had used Tom's hotel for meetings he had met mum there he asked her out, I was sure that mum saw him as a rich, handsome man, mum had got pregnant, they'd got married then I was born. In my teens I saw a change in mum she was always happy when she was around me but she wasn't paying any attention to her appearance, she hardly used any makeup and she wore dowdy old clothes that did nothing for her, I couldn't remember the last time we as a family went out for a meal, it never happened as dad was never here to take us out.
I looked at Jo; she had Jill when she was sixteen, ...