Fang of Control - chapter 5
Date: 3/26/2024,
Group Sex
Male / Females
Male Domination,
Author: Limnophile
... “Tiger.”
A young male voice said, “Doctor Ames, I think he said something.”
“No, he’s in coma.”
The female opened my eyelids and shined a bright light, blinding me a moment.
“Tiger, not bear.”
She gasped and I heard the beeping speed up as I opened my eyes. The almost elderly female doctor was next to me, along with a small college-aged crowd. They all looked amazed, as I started pulling wires off my arms and chest.
She looked nervous as she said, “Ah… mister Danbury, you should lay still so I can check you.”
I felt like gagging and sneezing at the same time, as I pulled a long tube out of my nose.
“Please relax, let me check your heart.”
I noticed I was naked, but for a hospital gown and a sheet. “I’m fine. Where are my clothes?”
“They’re in the closet in the corner. Please lay down, sir.”
I saw snow falling out the window! It was WINTER! I NEEDED TO GET HOME AND HIBERNATE!
The crowd tried to keep me in bed, but I had to go! I shoved three of them aside and they fell in a heap. I quickly dressed as the doctor grabbed a phone off the wall and dialed. “Security! I need security in room 531, STAT!”
I looked outside as I finished sliding my boots on, and saw I was on the fifth floor. The window wouldn’t open, so I smashed it with a chair. As I jumped out the window, ...
... several people yelled, “NO!”
I spread my arms and legs wide as I fell, then landed cat-like with my hands and feet touching down at the same time. The wind was knocked out of me as my chest hit the knee-deep snow. I was thankful I only cut my left hand on a bit of glass from the window.
I ran a few miles until I found a wooded park, where I could hide out and rest a little while. I didn’t remember the town or the name of the motel I had been at, only that I had screwed three women there. I remembered their scents precisely, but not their names. I recalled I had been annoyed one of them smoked, but she liked anal sex enough to make up for it. I had no idea where my truck was.
My phone showed I was in a suburb of Raleigh, North Carolina. I checked my wallet and was more than happy to find my bank card. I walked to a dealer and bought a new truck. I hesitated as I remembered there was a duffel bag with over a hundred grand in cash under the front seat of my old one. I quickly realized getting home was more urgent than trying to recover money I didn’t really need.
On the way to the highway, I stopped at yet another convenience store and bought them out of beef jerky and sausage sticks. I knew I could never go without the fang again. I would need to hibernate at home, and Utah was a very long drive.