1. Georgie's Road

    Date: 3/25/2024, Categories: Anal Author: bysub_marine

    Georgie always says that the way I lost my virginity made her like me.
    Or at least, that's why she liked me to begin with.
    I think she liked me later on for other reasons. Which are what this story is about.
    It was our first year in college. We were, mostly, nearly 19. We were doing what students do: hang out, make friends.
    There were about seven or eight of us, but I only had eyes for Georgie.
    As soon as I saw her, she became my idea of the person I wanted to be with: smart, funny and no-nonsense. But she also appreciated other people being funny.
    She was cute in a kinda sharp, librarianesque sort of way. She had short cropped red hair, glasses and a rather pointed nose, and a mouth that seemed to be almost perpetually about to smile, but didn't do so very often--so when she did smile, it was worth it. She always dressed in multiple layers, so it was hard for my lizard brain to tell what her general body shape was like, except that she flared slightly outwards at the hips, which I liked.
    But enough about that. This is a story about Georgie's brain, and her heart, and how I learned about them.
    Georgie was very feminist, and a fountain of sharp remarks about the idiocy of men. That was fine with me, because I think men are mostly idiots too.
    Which is what made it so entertaining, that night in the pub, when we all started talking about how we lost our virginities.
    Georgie's turn hadn't come yet, but she was very funny about all ...
    ... the guys who admitted that they'd only managed it under the influence of beer, and that it hadn't been very successful. One of the girls, Courtney, told a hilarious story about losing hers to another girl at camp, but most of the girls' stories were more or less hilariously awful--or at least the girls were determined to find them hilarious in the telling of them, that night.
    'What about you,' Georgie said to me. 'What's your story?'
    'Oh,' I said, 'not much to add. Little bit too much to drink, bad decisions were made, people did things they regretted. Not me so much, but yeah.'
    'God, you're all so predictable,' she said, grinning. 'How many guys around this table have lost their virginities to girls that they should apologise to now.'
    'Well,' I said, 'not me, actually.'
    'Oh?' she said. 'Why shouldn't you?'
    'I have nothing to apologise for,' I said.
    'Do you think she'd say that?' Georgie said. 'Who was she?'
    'A friend of my older brother's,' I said. Georgie raised her eyebrows.
    'Ah,' she said. 'Well, that is a little unusual. What was her name?'
    'Alan,' I said, smiling.
    There was a pause, and then everyone burst into laughter. Georgie took slightly longer, but then she laughed too, covering her mouth with her hand.
    'Oh shit,' she said, pulling a wry face. 'Well, ain't I the asshole. I'm sorry, I just assumed. I didn't know you're gay.'
    'Oh, I'm not,' I said. 'I'm bi.'
    'It just gets deeper and deeper, this hole, doesn't it,' Georgie ...