Meeting the Birth Mother, Part I
Date: 3/25/2024,
Teen Male / Female
Author: JackDRipper
The plane landed and taxied towards the terminal. The butterflies in my stomach were frantic. I was meeting my birth mother for the first time. She was only 18 when I was born and she had been forced by her super-conservative parents and older sister to give me up at birth. I was 16 when I found her online, 18 now, but we had only talked via phone, email, and social media.
She was an associate dean at a prestigious eastern business school. She helped me get in to her school, and said that I could live with her to save money. So here I was.
I glanced at the picture of her on my phone. Most of her pictures I had were work photos. Late thirties, pretty, blonde hair pulled back in a severe pony tail, light makeup, blue blazer, buttoned-up blouse, skirt. The suit absorbed most of her physical features, except that she was relatively slender with some slight mom-curves, especially on top. She had no other kids and had divorced her husband three years before.
I can’t say I ever had carried any resentment about her, but I also couldn’t say I had really ever forgiven her. I think I resented her parents and older sister more for forcing her to give me up. My feelings were in some kind of a limbo I hoped meeting her would finally put to rest.
I walked out of the terminal just as her BMW pulled up to the curb. We settled into the usual chit-chat of how the flight was, how my adopted parents were, and so on. She had on a blue skirt I recognized from her social media and a ...
... white blouse that, I realized against my will, was unbuttoned deeply into her substantial cleavage.
I pushed my eyes back forward. She hadn’t noticed my wandering vision, thankfully. It wasn’t like I wanted to bone her, she was my mom. I guess I just was curious what she actually looked like.
We stopped at a Thai place for dinner. When we got to the restaurant she came around and wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.
“It is great to meet you at last,” she said as we disengaged. “I’m sorry I had to give you up. It wasn’t my choice but my parents and my sister forced me. I have regretted it ever since. I want to make it up to you. I will do anything to make you happy here. If there is anything you need, anything at all, just ask.”
We settled into a booth in the back of the Thai place. For the first time I sat face to face with her. The photos I had seen of her online did not do her justice. She was really pretty, and I could definitely see the resemblance. Her blouse was unbuttoned deeply enough that I could see part of the bra underneath and her substantial decollete. I pulled my eyes back up to her face. Thankfully she had been scanning the menu and didn’t see me wandering.
Dinner was uneventful and we had a nice time chatting, talking about shared interest, school, and the like.
It was a warm summer night as we pulled up in front of a ranch house situated on nearly an acre of land. It was perfectly landscaped. In the back I could see a pool. She showed me ...