A Christmas Gobbling
Date: 3/24/2024,
Cum Swallowing
Oral Sex
Author: Hunicat1
... of brief relief she noted the lack of icy prickles on her ass and pussy, at least she had a little dignity but this was still not good.
Fran snapped her legs shut in an act of defiance and instantly regretted it, a rope tightened around her neck pulling her backwards, lifting her entire upper body from the wooden platform and exposing her firm b-cup breasts, her nipples tightening in response to the icy prickles which danced around them. As she struggled to breathe, her bulging eyes could now make out indistinct shapes, possibly buildings but smaller, all too soon though her sight dimmed and her body relaxed releasing her from her self imposed strangulation, her body slumped landing on the platform with a thud.
As Fran lay there coughing and drooling she noticed the strings of saliva pockmarking the previously blank canvas of snow she was staring at, her eyes were begining to focus. Lifting her head tentatively, unsure of the consequences, she examined her surroundings. The shapes she had seen before were indeed tiny shops, taverns and various workshops lining three sides of the open space that surrounded her. On the forth side, to Fran's left, she could make out impressive looking larger building and what was possibly the base of a clocktower or something similar, Fran couldnt quite tell due to her resitrictive binds.
A pair of black shiny boots appered next to Fran, with white fur trim and red trousers there was no mistaking who the boots belonged to. A sense of ...
... forbodding unease once again entered Fran.
Santa began to ring a large handbell, it's tone seemed to resinate around the town square and hang in the frozen air.
From the workshops and taverns small shapes began to emerge. At first Fran could only make out a dozen or so but soon there seemed to be crowds of Elves appearing from every direction, all heading towards the platform on which she was displayed. The bell ceased its rining as the crowd of the small green creatures formed a horseshoe shape in front of Fran.
Santa's voice boomed as he made the declaration "This human girl has been found guilty of extreme naughtiness, uttering evil and hurtful words to those whom love her. It has been decreed that a Gobbling is her punishment. As it is written by ancient lore the Elders will commence the punishment, then you will all participate."
Fran, now petrified and close to tears, saw movement from the Town Hall. Slowly five figures became more distinct, 2 ealderly Elves in wheelchairs being pushed by stonger attendants and a third shuffling along with the aid of a walking stick. After several minutes the slow procession formed a line in front of Fran, everything bacame still, only Fran's trembling breathing penetrated the silence of anticipation.
'DONG' Santa's bell rang once and was met with a gleeful cheer from the assembled elves.
As the chief elf was pushed towards Fran she was able to see his freatures more clearly. His green saggy skin formed long jowls, ...