1. Go Ahead, Keep Going! Pt. 02

    Date: 3/21/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byUnironicSmutPeddler

    ... thousand-yard stare, and asked him if he could go fetch someone in charge. He gawked hungrily at my sister for a hot second before stammering out a yes and disappearing into the back office.
    "This is actually kind of terrifying," Alice hissed at me. Her bespectacled eyes danced around the room in agitation and she clutched onto my arm like a drowning woman to a lifebuoy. I gently held onto her hand and squeezed it.
    "Don't worry," I said.
    "Gee thanks, that changes everything."
    A middle-aged woman with a clipboard and a name tag appeared and greeted us at the counter.
    "Alicia Greene?" she asked in a brisk tone.
    Alice opened her mouth, choked on her own phlegm, and cleared her throat. "Y-yes, ma'am."
    "Alright, great. I'll be with you in just a few minutes, okay?"
    "Yes ma'am, okay thank you so much that sounds good thanks!"
    The woman's face cracked into a subtle smirk. She gave me a quick glance and her voice softened. "Why don't you and your young man there go have a seat and get yourselves a soda and we'll get to you in just a bit, okay dear?"
    My sister nodded emphatically. "Okay sure, sounds wonderful thank you okay bye bye." With that, I tugged my sister's hand and led her to an empty booth by the windows. We got ourselves a couple sodas and sat down. Alice stared down into her cup thoughtfully.
    "With a job like this all you really need to do is be likable," I told her. "Which is something you do by just existing."
    She sucked down half ...
    ... her soda in a single drag and belched loudly. "Have you been masturbating?"
    My eyes flicked down to her tits and I looked away. "Yeah," I admitted.
    She nodded. "Have you been thinking about me when you do it?"
    "And mom too?"
    She looked around cautiously before going on. "Hey," she whispered, leaning in across the table, "Mom's been seeing this new guy from work lately. Richard or whatever."
    "Oh yeah?"
    She nodded conspiratorially. "Yeah. I think they're going to have sex later."
    I exhaled sharply.
    "Do you want me to text you if they do?"
    My mouth watered at the thought. "Shit, really?"
    She grinned widely. She knew she was misbehaving and she liked it. "Tonight after 10. Don't fall asleep."
    "This is so fucked," I said.
    "Scandalous!" she replied, affecting a posh accent and wagging a finger. "Positively fatherless behavior!"
    I shrugged and sighed. "Well, we ARE fatherless."
    Alice pulled out her phone and unlocked the screen. Screaming and slapping noises blasted from it.
    She hadn't closed the tab.
    "Whoops," she squeaked, muting the volume. "I always forget to close my tabs."
    "Jesus," I said. "I did it. I broke my sister."
    Because I Love You, Silly
    Later that night, I lay in my bed and restlessly scrolled my phone. I had high hopes for that evening. But as the hours passed and the house fell ...