1. Julie’s Subway Abduction Pt. 4

    Date: 3/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Domination/submission Male Male/Teen Female, Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Teen Young Author: Sir_Galois

    ... her.
    On the nightstand beside the bed, with the soft morning light sneaking in, Julie found a plate with two Eggo waffles, syrup and butter already atop them. Next to the plate lay a banana, already half pulled, plastic fork and knife, and two drinking glasses. One appeared to hold water. The other looked like orange juice. When Julie reached over to taste it, she found it was orange juice—no pulp. She downed the entire glass in one tilt. She was parched, and she was hungry.
    As the juice hit her stomach, Julie clocked just how sore her body felt. Her throat felt rough, far worse than mere morning dryness, and her pussy ached the way her legs and ass had the day after she’d tried lifting weights with a gym rat friend of hers.
    She reached down to touch between her legs. “Ngh,” she grunted immediately. Just the dab of her fingertips hurt. Her little teen pussy had been fucked to rawness. There was still moisture between her legs, as if her body didn’t know when it had enough. And she could feel flaky dryness, which was surely her captor’s semen.
    Her stomach growled. The damage appraisal of her own body could wait. She turned to the waffles and ate them out of her hands, utensils be damned. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d tasted food so satisfying. When she was done, she licked the morsels of syrup from her fingers and guzzled the glass of water.
    A knock came at the door. Julie grabbed the blanket to cover her body. A man entered. He was tall with a dark ...
    ... beard and broad shoulders. He wore a black baseball cap, the brim shielding his eyes from Julie’s view.
    “I see you’re up,” he said coldly. His voice was less harsh than it had been when he’d had his way with her, but he was surely the man who had stolen her from the train. Who had made her do all those terrible things.
    Julie said nothing back. Her knuckles whitened as she held the blanket to her body. If not for the fear setting into her flesh, she’d have a greater appreciation for how soft and good this blanket felt against her skin.
    “And I see you’ve eaten. Good.” He approached Julie on the bed, but he didn’t touch her. Instead, he placed a medium-sized paper shopping bag next to her. “This is a change of clothes. There’s a bathroom across the hall. Take a shower and get dressed.”
    “My clothes—” Julie found herself saying, her voice crackling.
    “They’re in your backpack with the rest of your things. Now go get washed and dressed. There’s a toothbrush for you in the bathroom, too.”
    The man turned and left the room, leaving the door open behind him. Julie stayed seated on the bed for what could not have been much longer than five minutes, but it felt like an eternity. She’d been trapped here, in this room, and now she was being told she could walk out. It didn’t make sense.
    She stood, blanket wrapped around her like a toga of modesty, and took the bag the man had given her. On her own two feet, Julie walked out of the room. She turned and looked down this ...