1. Sex Education - Chapter 2 - Do Unto Others

    Date: 3/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Coercion Humiliation Male / Female Teens, Reluctance Author: Virt

    ... crossing the point of no return. She can smell alcohol on his breath as she passes by him, and he closes the door behind her.
    “Come on, follow me,” Victor instructs her, as he makes his way in to the kitchen.
    It is a nice house, she must admit. No doubt paid for by his family.
    In the kitchen, there is a bottle of whiskey on the counter along with two glasses, one of which already has some whiskey in it, the other being empty. Victor pours whiskey from the bottle into the empty glass, and hands it to Una.
    “Here, have a drink,” he tells her, while he takes a swig from the other glass.
    “I’m fine, thanks,” she tells him, setting the glass back down on the counter. She had decided en route to Victor’s house that she would not accept any food or drink that he might offer her.
    “Come on, don’t be so fucking boring,” he tells her. “I’m not going to drug you.”
    “I said I’m fine.”
    “Alright, have it your way,” Victor says as he finishes off his glass. He then takes the glass that he had offered Una, and drinks that in one go as well.
    “Wooh! Okay…” he continues, as he sets the second glass down. “I think we should take things upstairs, don’t you?”
    “I suppose so,” Una reluctantly agrees.
    Victor leads Una upstairs and into his bedroom which, as Una expected, is a total mess. There are clothes scattered in every corner and a games console connected to the TV, with cables haphazardly scattered across the floor.
    “And this is where the magic happens!” Victor ...
    ... proudly declares, drawing Una’s attention to the bed.
    To her relief, the bed seems to be relatively clean. Or, at least, there are no obvious stains.
    “Great,” she replies, with as little enthusiasm as possible.
    Una heads over to a desk directly facing the bed and deposits her handbag onto it, removing her phone.
    “What are you up to over there?” Victor asks suspiciously, while he sits down on the bed and removes his boots and socks, unable to see what she is doing.
    “Just putting my phone on silent. Do you have condoms?” she asks, taking the newly-purchased box of condoms out of her bag.
    “Well aren’t you a little eager beaver,” he says. “Still wrapped, I see. Did you buy those just for me?”
    Una rolls her eyes and opens the cellophane wrapping, removing a sealed condom from the box and tosses it to him.
    “I can’t put it on yet,” Victor tells her. “You need to make me hard first. Why don’t you go ahead and put on a show?”
    “Excuse me?” she says.
    “You can start by taking off that jacket.”
    Feeling disgusted in herself, Una slowly removes her jacket, and tosses it onto a nearby chair.
    “You’re not wearing the mini-skirt you had on earlier,” Victor comments. “That’s a shame, you almost looked hot enough to fuck in that.”
    Ignoring his comment, Una kicks off her trainers, deciding to keep her socks on so she doesn’t have to touch the disgusting floor with her bare feet.
    “Come, on, then,” he continues, “let’s start seeing some skin.”
    Sheepishly, ...