Part 7 - Clarice’s other babysitting night
Date: 3/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Hardcore Male / Female Teens, Male Male/Teen Female, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex Teen Young Author: Trips68
Clarice’s babysitting night I was sitting at the couch doing some homework. I was starting to go over some history content. Daniel was asleep and l was trying to put my head around this homework. But to be honest, my mind was elsewhere. It was still early, earlier than last month’s time when l babysat overnight. So l had time to think, and my mind was having expectations for tonight. But there is still a chance Jack might meet someone. He could even bring her over while l have to go sleep in the guest room of the house. I was getting myself disappointed and nothing happened yet. Good old me, the over thinker. Back to homework. Wait... last time... since l gave myself to Jack, and he paid me afterwards, what does that make me? I giggled at the idea. Me? A whore? It would make sense in some way. But no l am not a whore. I am special. He pays me for babysitting, not sex. I would be a really cheap whore. Business would be bad. I laughed again. Twenty minutes went by when l heard the front door. Jack came inside. He really was early tonight. Earlier than last time. What’s up? I am concerned. “Hey...”, he says softly. “Everything okay?”, l asked. He did not sound great, and l was actually worried about him. “Yeah, everything is okay, but...”, he removed his shoes and sat next to me on his couch. “I just have a problem...” I invited him to talk to me. Suddenly l was wondering what was up with the guy. “I went out to the dance, l was trying to enjoy myself, ...
... talking to the usual buddies and ladies... but something was missing. Something just did not work tonight.” I asked what it was... “Well... l kept thinking about you.” And then he just looked at me. I smiled. And then l climbed on his lap. We started making out. This is what l wanted. Another night with Jack. The man that took my virginity. The man that l decided to give myself to. The man who kept thinking about me. The man who wants to take me. After a while, l got off of him. He got up, and then took my little slim body in his arms. I almost screamed! I hope l did not wake Daniel up! I kept giggling. This gesture was sweet. He carried me to his room, then laid me on the bed. Told me not to move. I didn’t. He gently closed the door and came back. He climbed the bed and came over to lay on top of me. I gently put my arms around his neck and we kissed some more. I wanted to have sex with Jack once again. And he definitely wanted to have sex with me too. I really hope it will be just as great as the last time. Occasionally Jack would stop kissing me and just look into my eyes. I would look right back at him. Then we started making out again. Then he started to kiss my neck. I peaked at his clock and realized we might have been kissing from the living room until now for at least twenty minutes. But the numbers on the clock started to become blurry as his neck kisses were starting to be really good. Then he took my hand and arm and started kissing that. It felt ...