Teen Studs on Campus (Part 1)
Date: 3/18/2024,
Author: MikeB1013
... crestfallen. “Yeah, of course I know, but I just want to make sure that you know…I mean, I gotta make sure that you’re really the chick that I’m waiting for…” the stud replies cagily. “I’m rushing Delta Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and they told me to get all dressed up and meet this fraternity guy from Alpha Sigma Sigma at 234 Ash Street, give him that envelope and then follow whatever instructions are contained in it,” the brunette replies in a crisp, businesslike tone. “And I’m the dude! Let’s go upstairs to my office!” J.J. replies, ushering her into the elevator…
A few blocks away, Chaz the frat boy decides to pack it in. This chick was supposed to meet me here at 432 Ash Street a half hour ago! he grumbles to himself. And now she’s not even answering my texts…looks like she flaked. I’m outta here…
J.J. has learned a lot about the girl he ran into down in the lobby; she’s been talking almost non-stop on the elevator ride up to the fifth floor. Her name is Nancy, she’s a 19 year old sophomore, she unsuccessfully rushed 3 sororities in her freshman year and is now determined to get into Delta Alpha Gamma Delta no matter what it takes. She’s hot! the stud notes approvingly; with luxuriant dark brown hair cascading down past her shoulders and bright blue eyes, her body hugging dress shows off her bountiful tits and shapely ass to full advantage. Standing 5’5, her height is boosted an additional 5 inches by her stiletto pumps, making her slightly taller than the 5’7 ...
... stud. The elevator doors open on the 5th floor, the pair step out and J.J. starts leading the way to the apartment. “Wait! I thought you said we were going to your office…these all look like apartments!” the girl exclaims, stopping in her tracks. “Yeah, my apartment is my office…” J.J. replies, shrugging his shoulders. “Wait a minute…this sounds really, really sketchy…I just met you and you want me to go to your apartment…? Alone?” the brunette replies, eyeing the stud suspiciously. “Yo, you don’t have to…I’ll just tell the chicks at Delta Gamma Whatever that you refused to go through the process…” J.J. replies in a nonchalant tone. He turns away from her, but Nancy immediately reaches out and gently catches him by the arm. “No, wait! I’m sorry! It’s just that this is all kind of strange and…” the girl starts to apologize but J.J. gently hushes her. “No worries…we’re cool!” he reassures her, flashing his braces in his winning, boyish grin.
They get to the apartment, J.J. opens the door and they step into the living room. “Yo, I was on my way to buy some condoms when I ran into you down there…” J.J. blurts out, for reasons unknown even to himself. “Ewww…why are you even telling me that…?” Nancy responds, crinkling her face in disgust. “I dunno…so now what…?” the stud asks, his pecker noticeably bulging in his jeans. “The envelope! Please open the envelope and give me my instructions!” Nancy exclaims. “Oh, yeah! My bad!” J.J. responds, flashing another grin at the impatient ...