1. Teen Studs on Campus (Part 1)

    Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Teen Author: MikeB1013

    ... need to score some prime pussy all to yourself! I’ve got all weekend to hook up with Olivia!” Aaron replies generously. “You’re the best dude! Does kinda suck, though, that you’re gonna be in the library while I’m having fun…” a grateful J.J. observes. “No worries, dude…I’ll get my research done and I might even meet some chicks!” Aaron responds cheerfully. “Yeah, nerdy chicks with glasses!” J.J. replies in a teasing tone. “A hot nerdy chick with glasses and big tits…like Jessica, dude!” Aaron counters. “Well, good luck, dude! Watch out for those college nerds…they’re wild!” J.J. cautions him. “Yeah and I’m so young…and innocent!” Aaron replies, flashing his braces in a mischievous grin, as he heads out the door...
    Hanging out in the apartment watching TV after Aaron leaves, J.J. gets a text from Olivia. The blonde is running late and she won’t be over for at least another half hour. To help fill in the time, the stud decides to go out and buy some condoms. Olivia is Team No Condom and so is he, but he wants to be prepared in case he hooks up with some fussy college chick who insists that he wrap his love worm…
    Aaron nears the library. He’s enjoyed the walk across campus; Harvest Valley is a small school, but it’s noted for having tons of hot chicks and the teen stud is not disappointed. He’s scoped out literally dozens of gorgeous chicks, but all the stuck up blonde sorority girls that he really wants to hook up with just ignore him, something he’s not used to back at ...
    ... Valley Vista High. Yo, what’s up with these chicks? How can they not want to fuck me? he asks himself rhetorically, bewildered by the collective cold shoulder that he's been getting. In no hurry to get to the library, he ducks into a convenience store, buys a supersized drink and sits down on a nearby bench. These chicks are hot! Too bad they’re all so stuck up! he thinks as he sips his drink and scopes out more college pussy. Just then, a passing blonde chick slows her pace and approaches the bench. “Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?” she asks Aaron. “Nah, I don’t mind…you’re cool…” the stud replies, and the girl sits down at the other end of the bench and starts scrolling through her phone. She’s hot, but she looks a little older, Aaron thinks to himself, discreetly scrutinizing the petite blonde. At least she doesn’t seem stuck up like all these sorority chicks…might as well give it a shot, he decides.
    Aaron's just about to make his move when the blonde makes hers. “Taking a break between classes…?” she asks in a friendly tone. “Yeah, gotta take a break sometime….I mean, with taking 21 credits this semester…” Aaron replies in his most nonchalant tone. “Wow! 21 credits! That’s impressive! And I thought I was busy, working on my Ph.D.!” the blonde replies. “You’re getting your Ph.D.? Cool! What are you getting it in?” Aaron asks, genuinely impressed; far from an intellectual himself, the stud finds himself strangely drawn to brainy chicks and now he also knows why this girl ...