1. Farmer Frannie the Family Fanny - chapter 6

    Date: 3/17/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Incest Pregnant, Threesome Author: Limnophile

    For several years life generally continued on with no major surprises. Farming is a lot of hard work, but Dad, John, and I were mostly happy, since we had four young ladies willing to pleasure us multiple times a day. They were at least mostly happy too. Dad married Linda after my new brother Jeremy was born.
    One night Dad and Linda had a quiet talk with me and John in the machine shed. Dad was quite ashamed, but said his age was slowing him down. He was quite embarrassed that he was only able to have sex once a day, and sometimes not even every day. To make it up to Linda, he’d let her do intercourse with John and I twice a week each. We weren’t married yet, but my brother and I started getting pussy regularly. It felt great, but not quite as good as Frannie’s butt. I enjoyed it a lot though.
    My older brothers Jim and Joe started a new farm together with their wives four parishes to the north. They called often to report the latest on their children and farm, and we visited them a few times a year since it was only a two-hour drive.
    I’d had a crush on a lady Andrea that lived near us, but when it was matching time she chose another guy. I was so smitten with Fran’s ass that few other girls got more than a glance or two from me. Despite twice daily blowjobs, Linda’s nicely bare slit, and Fran’s excellent butt; at 24 years old I still hadn’t been matched. In another year I’d become a spinster.
    Worse yet, Fran and her match Elias started dating. Holly, Beth, ...
    ... and Linda all gave good blowjobs, but I dearly missed Fran’s wonderful butt. It was very difficult for me to be friendly to Elias, until he told me, “I’m dating Frannie, so I’m the only one who gets her pussy, but she’s still the family Matron. I don’t mind if you keep having fun with her ass.”
    “You’re sure?”
    “Of course! She still needs to satisfy the unmarried men’s needs. How about I share her with you tonight?”
    Fran and I thought that was an excellent idea. Elias laid on the bed on his back with Fran atop him. As he slid his condom-wrapped dick into her pussy, he said, “Do you mind if he does your butt while we screw, or do you want to wait until we’re done?”
    Fran smiled naughtily. “I’ve always wanted to try two at once! Give it to me, Jake!” I thrust into her ass and was overjoyed. With Elias’ cock in her pussy, her ass felt even tighter!
    “SO GOOD! It’s amazing, Fran! Thanks so much, Elias!”
    Elias and I gave her four or five orgasms by the time we left three loads each in her rectum and the condoms. Over the next several days, John and I took turns in her butt as she fucked him. On Friday John had done her rump first, and I was about to take my turn. Fran pulled the condom off Elias and suddenly looked terribly sad. She held up a fresh condom and said, “This is the last one in the box. 50 gone, so we move to his place tomorrow.”
    When Fran left the house, Beth became Matron. We had the usual ceremony and a nice time licking her and getting extra ...