1. High School Nerd - Tuesday

    Date: 3/10/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica First Time Reluctance School Teen Male/Teen Female Voyeurism Author: Piglet838

    High School Nerd - Tuesday
    If it weren't for the blackout curtains, my bedroom would be bathed in morning sunlight. Even though my room is dark, I have been tossing and turning in my silky sheets for at least the past hour, unable to get back to sleep. There have been too many thoughts, racing through my mind. I just as well get up.
    I was pleasantly surprised with my experience with the school uber-nerd, Henry. Yesterday I thought it might be fun to explore a sexual relationship with him. He is cute, I think, since he no longer needs his coke bottle glasses. He is caring, funny when he loosens up, and a surprisingly good kisser. But, thinking about it this morning, I realize what my association with him will do to me, socially. I am a cheerleader, after all. My friends will shun me, and think that I am weird. I will probably get pushed off of the cheer squad.
    I don't feel rested, at all. Today will not be fun. I am tired and out of sorts. I dread what I know I must do today. I need to distance myself from Henry, and deal with the questions from my girl friends about him. They saw us together, so I will just have to deal with the fallout. Sitting on the edge of my bed, my phone chimes, indicating that I have a text message. Picking up my phone, I try to focus. It's from Henry. Oh no, I hoped he would just forget about yesterday, or be too embarrassed to talk about it, or something. Reading his text, though, it is actually kind of sweet. He is just letting ...
    ... me know that he is thinking about me and thanked me for what I did for him. Maybe if I ignore him he will go away.
    At school, Sandra caught up with me in the hallway. "Hey, Jazz, hold up." She steps in close beside me. "So, how did it go with you and Henry, yesterday? Did you guys do it?"
    So it begins already. "Do what? No-o!" I shook my head in mock disgust. Anxious to change the subject, I ask, "Don't we have cheer practice today after school?"
    "Don't want to talk about it, huh?" Sandra asked. "That bad?"
    "No. There just isn't much to talk about. Henry is a nice guy, but he's not really boyfriend material." I tried to deflect again. "We're supposed to be practicing our tumbling today, aren't we?"
    We walk right by Henry, at his locker. I kept talking to Sandra, pretending not to notice him. He looks at me and I see that Sandra smiles at him and stares as we walk past. I feel bad for ignoring him, but what happened yesterday just needs to go away.
    At lunch, I worry that the girls will ask me about Henry, but they must have forgotten, for it doesn't even come up. Henry sits by himself, studying from a textbook as he eats. Typical Henry. I catch him looking my way a few times, but I never made eye contact with him.
    At study hall, I sit with the girls from my cheer squad. Henry sat alone and I was aware that he eyed me, from time to time. At the end of study period, he stands near the door, waiting for me. As I walk by, he beckons to me. Coming over ...