1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... like?”
    “Where is it?” Cat looked around. “Seems you don’t even have a TV…”
    “Upstairs. Home cinema”
    “Hoooome cinema. Fancy. Can I have a look?”
    “Yeah, just go upstairs, the BluRay shelf is hard to miss. I’ll clean up here and you check if you find anything you like.”
    “Will do… and I’ll help you when I’m back”
    “Might take a bit of time to go through it all… no hurry”
    I have over 1000 BluRays. And I’m afraid about 99% of them are of zero interest to a girl her age - or R-rated and I sure as hell wouldn’t want her mom to find out that I had watched Scarface with her daughter…
    Cat went upstairs and I took the dirty plates and glasses to the dishwasher. Being alone after… what? Over an hour with her, it gave me time to take a deep breath. My cock was still hard, just watching her eat, tiny bites, sometimes holding a piece of pancake between her lips… her small fingers holding the big glass… what was wrong with me? For the last 6 months, my sex drive was close to non-existent and now I get a raging hard-on just from looking at a girl eating pancakes? I closed my eyes. Saw the math book with the number on it. No way. Stop it.
    I loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the table & the stove, and rinsed the pan. I felt sweaty. The spicy pancakes. Cat’s eyes. The way her shoulders moved under the hoodie. Her tongue, fishing a small piece of broccoli from the corner of her mouth. I felt my T-shirt getting damp on my back.
    Cat came back down, 3 BluRays in her small ...
    ... hands.
    “Quite a collection, Sir. But may I say… at least half the movies are probably older than you? There are some in black and white. Black and white.”
    “Yes, cinema is over 100 years old. It didn’t start with the Marvel Universe”.
    “Ouch, Dad. But yeah, some of them are crap, but it’s entertaining crap. Have you watched the Black Widow one?”
    “Yes, I think so. It was the good kind of entertaining crap”
    “Too Che”
    “That’s what she said”
    “That’s what… never mind. What have you got?”
    Cat held up the first disc. “Hellraiser”
    “Sorry, that’s a hard no. Nothing R-rated, your mom would kill me. Plus… it’s like a really old movie, almost as old as I am.”
    “Not black and white, though. And it said something about S&M on the cover.”
    “First… why do you want to watch something S&M? And why do you even know what this is?”
    “It was in our sex ed book. It sounded… weird. Weird and a bit funny.”
    “Trust me, Hellraiser isn’t funny. Still a hard no”
    “Spoilsport. OK, next…” - “Irreversible”
    “Cat, seriously, what the…”
    “I remember some Reddit thread about the best rape scenes and I think this one won.”
    “OK, this is getting weird. Another hard no. And ‘Best Rape Scene’? That’s kinda… sick…”
    “Agreed. But still, if you want to get a taste of the broader ranges of cinematic art, starting with the best of each is not a bad strategy, right?”
    “Agreed. But your broader ranges of cinematic art are limited to PG-13 and below, at least ...