1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... get… well, pretty much everything. You do have a pan, right?”
    “I do…”
    “Be right back. Don’t cook anything while I’m away”
    She walked by me. “If this was a ‘Juno’ reference, extra points”
    “What Juno reference?”
    “If you’re in, I’m in”.
    “Uhm, no… what’s Juno?”
    Cat rolled her eyes. “No extra points for you, Sir”
    And with this, she was out the door. Butterflies. The ‘Sir’ had made my cock twitch. The cock I had to massage for half an hour before it showed any signs of life had twitched. Too bad it was for someone who was so far off-limits that it wasn’t even a question. Again, damn.
    Chapter 3: Friday Evening - Dinner
    We both stood in front of the stove. Cat had whipped up a batter with a dozen ingredients, some of them quite surprising, like cayenne pepper and shredded broccoli. And now we started to heat up the pan. Cat’s eyes were almost level with mine. She was standing on a chair I had pulled up to the stove. She moved with the grace of someone who had done this a hundred times. Poured some batter into the pan, turned the pan a bit, left and right, back and forth until the batter had formed a perfect circle, waited a bit until it had set, then she turned the pancake, another minute or two and done. I looked at the pan. Looked at the stack of pancakes on a warming plate. Looked at the bowl. I couldn’t look at Cat. Every time I did, I saw something new. Her skin, so dark you couldn’t even see any pores, not a single blemish. Her ears looked ...
    ... perfect. There was a little dimple just below her cheekbone that twitched when she concentrated. She bit her lower lip when she turned the pancake. Her eyelashes trembled when she lifted the heavy cast iron pan. Her neck… I felt my cock twitch. I wore my normal old blue jeans, but they felt much too tight now. I stuck my hand in my pocket, tried to rearrange my cock but it didn’t help. It wasn’t hard. But it sure felt… solid… and it kept twitching every time I looked at Cat.
    “Do you have curry powder?”
    “Yeah up there on the extractor hood, to your right”
    Even standing on the chair, Cat couldn’t reach it.
    I reached across her, my arm brushed her shoulder and my cock twitched so hard it hurt. I grabbed the jar with the curry powder and handed it to her.
    “Dan the Man. Thank you”. Big smile. Big twitch. I smiled back.
    Cat got off the chair and pushed it to the side. She looked up at me. We were standing so close to each other that she had to lean back a little to meet my eyes.
    “How’s the air up there?”
    I shot back “Smells a bit like midgets” because I had done this routine a thousand times, it’s something you just get used to when you’re taller than most people and definitely taller than almost all women.
    I realized what I had said and everything inside me tensed up. This didn’t go well.
    Cat gave me a look, halfway between stern and hurt… but just when I wanted to say something, some lame apology, I saw the corners of her mouth twitch, her eyes sparkled and ...