1. Black Cat (Part I)

    Date: 3/8/2024, Categories: Fiction Black, Cum Swallowing First Time Hardcore Interracial, Male/Teen Female Non-consensual sex Rape Reluctance Spanking, Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Young Author: axs, Source: sexstories.com

    ... even feel her pedicured toenail digging into my pants… my foreskin moving back and forth with each little toe curl. Her other foot made little circular motions underneath my balls… the movie was out of focus, I tried to hold back… her toe moved to the tip of my cock and made the same circular motions her other toe was making underneath me… doesn’t she feel how wet this spot is? I have to say something… something…
    “This is like the best movie night ever”. And with this, she leaned her head against my neck, I could feel the corner of her mouth against my skin… my balls started pumping… Cat’s toes pressed harder against my cock and balls… she moved a little faster, in opposite directions… I wanted to push her legs away because the point of no return was approaching fast. I reached over to her, put my hand on her upper legs, but before I could push she curled her toes and had now grabbed the head of my leaking cock and my pumping balls between her feet… I groaned and pressed my hand against her thigh… two more squeezes from Cat’s toes… hard… relentless… I moved my hand up her thigh, I wanted to push, wanted to get free, I didn’t want to cum with an underage girl on top of me… I didn’t…
    Cat yells “WHAT THE FUCK?” and jumped up.
    I tried to say something, but the words just didn’t come out.
    “Did you just touch me?”
    “No, I… “
    “Did you just touch me you fucking pervert?”
    She was standing on the couch, above me, her arms crossed over her groin.
    “I just ...
    ... wanted… you are… you are… you’re a fucking pedophile pig. Fuck you”
    She jumped off the couch and I still couldn’t say anything. She stormed out of the room, sobbing and yelled over her shoulder “My mom will fucking kill you, you pedo fuck…”.
    I couldn’t move. The pumping in my balls had stopped. My erection was gone. Time was standing still. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t breathe. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I tried to pull myself up but I had no strength. I started to shiver. No. No. No.
    I looked at the door. I realized I hadn’t heard her going down the stairwell. I also hadn’t heard the door slam shut. What the…
    Cat’s head appeared in the open door, with the biggest smile ever.
    Chapter 4: Friday Evening - Gotcha
    She walked back into the room, mimicking the Wicked Witch of the West.
    “You looked so goddamn funny…and scared.”
    “Cat, what… what the fuck.” Croaking.
    “Oh, come on… admit it was a little funny”.
    I sat up… Cat was walking up to me, swinging her hips back and forth.
    “But you are a little pedo, aren’t you?”
    I felt anger boiling up inside me. I looked at her… I wanted to wipe this big grin off her face.
    “Daddy is a bit of a pedo with little girls”
    I have never hit anybody in my life. Certainly not a woman. Most certainly not a girl. Under no circumstances would I ever - ever! - hit a kid… but without even realizing it, I swung my right arm and slapped Cat’s face… hard, with the palm of my hand, directly on her ...