Jenny and Uncle Jerry - chapter 1
Date: 3/5/2024,
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: Limnophile
Due to local laws and the rules on certain websites, I need to say it all began on my 18th birthday. Feel free to believe that, if you really want to.
The pictures and videos for Uncle Jerry had always been a big secret, like all the money he gave Mom. She took pictures of me like many parents did, but these pictures were special. She’d photograph me getting in or out of the tub, changing clothes, or showering. I was usually embarrassed and didn’t want to do them. Mom said the pictures were important, since Uncle Jerry paid her a lot for them.
The times Mom would go to get money the other way, I’d stay with a neighbor lady for a few hours or a day as Mom visited Uncle Jerry. She would always come back looking sad and ashamed, but with a lot of cash in her purse. Once she came home crying, with lipstick on her neck. I was a little confused, since I didn't think men wore lipstick. It wasn't her color so she didn't put it there by accident. The next day we got a new sofa and a big TV.
I hadn’t had a haircut since I was a little kid. Mom said Uncle Jerry loved long hair. My curly blonde locks nearly touched my knees, like hers did. It often annoyed me when it got in the way, or I had to brush out all the tangles, but I agreed my hair was pretty. She did my face with lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, and other cosmetics on weekends and recorded us on video as she did.
Every week she gave me new bras and panties and took lots of pictures of me trying them on. I ...
... blushed a lot and felt awkward and ashamed, but she would take dozens of pictures of my butt, kitty, and boobs. She also recorded video of me just walking around the house naked or in my underwear, which I thought was very weird. Eventually I had so much underwear that we would put the old ones in bags and donate them to the poor. I thought we were poor too, since we lived in an old one-bedroom trailer house. I also found it odd that she didn't wash them and only donated one or two at a time.
A few times a month Mom would give me a sucker or lollipop from Uncle Jerry and recorded me licking them. I thought Uncle Jerry was nice for sending me candy, makeup, and so many new outfits; but being naked or in my underwear was embarrassing and uncomfortable.
I wanted to wear makeup and my pretty clothes away from home, so I would look nice for a boy I liked, but Mom wouldn’t let me. I always went out in jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts. Often Mom would say, “Jenny, you need to save your beauty and your love for Uncle Jerry.” I’d never even met him, but he provided for us. I’d never met my father or any other family members either, just Mom.
One day Mom said we needed to do something special for Uncle. I'd have a pretend birthday a few months after my real one. After doing our makeup and changing into just bras and panties, she gave me a cupcake with a candle on top. When I blew out the candle I wished that Uncle Jerry would just give us lots of money and quit asking for pictures ...