Yellow Fever
Date: 3/5/2024,
Fan fiction,
Male / Female Teens,
Non-consensual sex
Author: rat68
“What are you going to do to me?” the girl asked.
“What the hell am I going to do? Isiah Edwards thought to himself.
He looked at her. Nellie Oleson, the terror of Walnut Grove. A spoiled brat that got anything and everything she wanted. Slim, blonde hair always in curls, tall for her age, with fierce blue eyes but no warmth in them. He had seen her around town and whenever he went into her father’s shop. She was always having a tantrum about something, it seemed. If the word bitch didn’t already exist, it would have been invented just for her.
How had she ended up in his house? Yellow fever. He had been exposed to yellow fever and had isolated himself in his own home intending to stay there for a month to ensure that he didn’t spread it to anyone else. After a month he would know that he didn’t have it. Or he would be dead. Either way, no one else would get sick.
Then this idiot girl and her stupid friends decided to play a game of truth or dare and someone dared her to knock on his door. He caught her and of course, couldn’t let her leave and expose everyone else in town. Fortunately her friends had all stayed on the road and not come onto his property. Just her.
Unfortunately that meant having to deal with her mother. If the word bitch was invented for Nellie Oleson, the word cunt had been invented for Harriet Oleson.
She tried to come into his house ranting and raving like a demon with rabies. After a lot of shouting, her husband was able to make her see ...
... reason and they left Nellie alone with him to let the disease run its course. That should have been the end of it. Instead if was the beginning of hell. It’s only been three days and already Isiah was hoping he was sick and that death was imminent. Today was the 5th time he caught Nellie trying to escape the cabin. She just didn’t seem to care how dangerous it was for her to be around other people.
So now he was staring at her wondering the answer to her question, what was he going to do?
“No other choice,” he finally said, “I gotta give ya a whipping.”
“A whipping? You mean a spanking?” she replied, “I’ve never been spanked in my life.”
“Well, that certainly explains a lot,” he said, “Anyway, get over here.”
He grabbed her arm and yanked her down across his knees. He then pulled up her dress and pulled down her bloomers exposing a very lovely little ass. He looked at it with admiration for a moment, and then brought a beefy open hand down on it hard. SMACK!.
“AAAHHH!” Nellie screamed.
Isiah smacked her again, Nellie screamed louder. A third smack, an even louder scream.
For a moment, he felt bad but he wasn’t hitting her that hard. She was just being overly dramatic. He brought his hand down again and Nellie let out an eardrum piercing shriek that actually made Isiah jump to his feet dumping Nellie on the floor where she just lay sobbing.
“Well,” Isiah thought to himself, “maybe she’s not just being dramatic.”
He looked down at her and said, “I ...