When All Resistance Is Gone
Date: 3/5/2024,
Author: byKaneSubotai, Source: Literotica
... had found a strategy that worked, and decided they weren't in a hurry home. I was secretly thrilled. As each day went on, I felt like I was making up for lost time with my twinnie. Once we dropped the antagonism, turned out we got along really well.
Soon, Kat's black eyes faded through the rainbow and away altogether. Her arm was better too. But her fear of the outdoors remained. I suggested we try a local pizza place one evening. She agreed, once they delivered or I could collect.
I suggested a walk in the park. She talked about the chance of rain.
I let it slide. In part, because I was enjoying looking after her. And I began to become used to living within the confines of the apartment. We'd spend ever daytime moment together, then go our separate ways in the evening. Out of the blue, I'd begun to watch porn on my laptop at night and would often whack myself to sleep and wake up with headphones in my ears and my laptop open on the bed. I noticed my tastes in porn changing over time. I'd always had a thing for older women, but my age profile began to lower. Black haired girls started to appear prominently.
Apart from a lack of outdoor life, Kate began to relax at home. She took to wandering about in a sloppy t-shirt and shorts most of the day. I got in on the act with a college sweatshirt and pair of track shorts. We began to take on the appearance of two wasters. Two happy wasters.
The one thing that I didn't reckon on was my newfound affection for my ...
... sister evolving into love. I guess, taking on the role of protector automatically meant I had something worth protecting. And something worth protecting demanded love. I found that I liked the idea. It appealed to my macho instinct. I knew I couldn't do anything about what had happened to her, or help her with her growing fear of outside, but I could be here for her. Her rock.
One evening, our conversation took a turn I think neither of us really expected. We were sitting beside each other on the sofa, flicking through Netflix. Kat had spotted some romcom she'd been wanting to see, and I grudgingly agreed to watch it. As the film progressed, Kat asked me the dreaded question. The one thing I missed about our hating each other was the disinterest we both had in each other's lives. Now, out of the blue, Kat wanted to know why I didn't have a girlfriend.
"Because I'm minding you, dear sister." I responded smart-assly. That got me a thwack with the cushion.
"I just haven't found the one." I settled on. Then decided attack was the best form of defense.
"So, what about you? How come there aren't a load of guys knocking the door down? It's not like you're not attractive."
The last comment was a throwaway, but it seemed to land funny with Kat. She didn't answer for a long time. I got engrossed in something stupid going on with the movie and had pretty much forgotten we'd even been chatting when she replied. It took me a second to reestablish context.
"You think I'm ...