At the Gym - His Story
Date: 3/3/2024,
Ass to mouth
Female exhibitionist,
Male/Teen Female
Author: jiminey_cricket
It was a cold, still morning, the air was thick with fog, suffocating the pale sun, and giving everything a slightly dreamlike quality. I trudged through it, acutely aware of the layer of damp that now covered me, sucking away my warmth.
I finally arrived at the gym which, at this time, was all but deserted. A solitary man plodded along on a treadmill in the corner, his ample frame swaying lazily with each step. Aside from him I had the place to myself.
I began my usual routine with 20 minutes on the exercise bike, peddling more frantically than usual to try and restore some heat to my body, but I found myself increasingly preoccupied with the gym entrance.
I knew why of course, for the last four days the most perfect young woman had been coming at a similar time, she was likely more than 10 years my junior, and so far out of my league that it almost hurt to look at her. Despite this I still found myself wishing that she would appear once more, if only for the brief chance to catch a quick glimpse of her doing some stretches.
After 10 minutes I had all but given up hope, settling into the drudgery of indoor cycling, when suddenly she appeared in my peripheral vision strolling purposely towards the floor mats.
She was slim and blonde, conventionally attractive some might say, but not in that fake over made-up way, just naturally pretty, with a petite, perfectly proportioned frame. She appeared quite young, no more than 21 I would guess, but possessed a self ...
... assuredness in her stride that projected the air of a much older woman.She moved with purpose and grace, and while I’ve no doubt she knew how attractive she was, she somehow managed to avoid the air of arrogance that so often accompanies this.
We caught eyes for a moment, and I realised that I had just watched her walk the entire length of the room. I looked away sheepishly, praying that she hadn’t noticed, but acutely aware that this wasn’t the first time she had caught me looking at her.
I cursed under my breath and for the next 15 minutes made a conscious effort to look anywhere but in her direction. I switched to the treadmill, and managed to get 5 minutes through before a brief lapse in judgement led me to catching an eyeful or her doing hip thrusts. I nearly fell off the machine. After a short stint on the rowing machine I decided to call it a day, worried I might come across as a creep if she caught me looking her way yet again.
I headed for the changing rooms, but quickly became aware of a set of footsteps approaching from behind.
“Excuse me.” came a voice, I knew right away it was her, soft and sweet, yet at the same authoritative and confident. She sounded exactly the way she looked. I swivelled around, trying to appear nonchalant. She had beautiful blue eyes that glistened in the dim light of the corridor, I got lost in them for a moment, and the ensuing silence lasted a little longer than was comfortable.
“Hi.” I stammered in response, fully conscious ...