The Company Retreat
Date: 3/3/2024,
True Story
Ass to mouth
Cum Swallowing
Males / Female,
Oral Sex
Author: GripItAndRipIt
"Ok baby, have fun tonight. Don't get too hammered!" my wife, Kate, teased me over the phone.
"I'll do my best, my love," I replied, the smile on my face evident through my voice.
I was halfway across the country for my company's annual retreat. As I hung up the phone, I thought about how lucky I was to have such a great wife. We'd been together for over a dozen years and our relationship had evolved over time. What began as a hot and heavy relationship mellowed over the years and we had to adapt with that.
Kate was a bit more traditional when it came to sex and our love life was pretty vanilla. I, on the other hand, had much more varied interests which she was well aware of but not interested in. I had generally resigned myself to this as my future because I was and remain very in love with her and her with me.
That's why I was so surprised last year when we were at a restaurant one night. Over drinks she said, "I know there are things that you like in bed that I don't do. If you wanted to get those things elsewhere, I would have no problem with it."
My mouth must have hit the floor because she started laughing. She added, "Listen I'm not telling you to go fuck everyone you meet or start having affairs. I don't want you in another relationship. But if you have a one night stand or hire a call girl to get those needs fulfilled, go for it!"
My mind whirled at the idea and I asked several clarifying questions to make sure this wasn't a trap. And it turns out ...
... it wasn't. I asked her about it several months later and the answer was still the same. "If you have the opportunity, don't hold back because of me," Kate insisted. She didn't want to hear about it or even know it happened, but she didn't begrudge me from taking advantage.
Coming back to the present and with the phone call with my amazing wife over, I went about preparing for the party that evening. Every fall, my company has an in-person retreat where they bring the whole company to headquarters to celebrate the past year. We had all dressed up a bit for a fun awards-style evening where the top performers in the company were recognized for their contributions.
Once the award show was over, I came back to my hotel room to chat with Kate and get ready for the after party at the office a block from my hotel. I changed into a clothes that were a bit more casual. I'm not big on fancy clothes but I didn't want to look like a bum either.
I walked over to the office without any goal for the evening in mind other than making sure I didn't get too drunk and embarass myself. Beyond that, I figured I'd let the night take me where it willed.
When I walked in the door of the office, I took it all in. The place was jumping with dancing, drinking and loud music. The alcohol was flowing and there was a ton of food available.
I made the rounds, making sure I said hi to the people and friends that I saw. Eventually, I found a smaller room that could comfortably hold five or six ...